
A poem about deep rest and retreat

Caroline Mellor
Loose Words
Published in
Nov 24, 2020


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

You have walked far enough
down the long hard track, my love,
with all its turns and precipices
and fast changing weather.
Now the world quietly calls you to rest.
Your tired soul wants nothing more
than to settle like a fallen leaf
into the frost-covered stillness.
Now is the time to make your den among the roots,
to tend the embers within,
and to listen soft as each breath follows the last.
Let the deep winter sleep
of this wild and blessed earth
dream through you.

Thank you for reading! Let’s connect. Find me on facebook and on my website 🤍



Caroline Mellor
Loose Words

Mother, writer, creature in awe. Top writer in poetry and climate change www.carolinemellorwriter.com @_carolinemellor_