A Guide to Becoming a Portal Operator in Lootverse

Tayce Bandeira Marchesi
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2022

The full metaverse experience is currently the longing of most blockchain enthusiasts. It includes the almost real interaction in a fantasy world, where users can live breathtaking adventures. Lootverse is being developed to allow its citizens to do all that and more. Lootizens can unleash their imagination and bring their skill set into play to create the reality they want.

Early adopters of our metaverse are embracing this idea. Engineers, lawyers, programmers, real state entrepreneurs and hundreds of players from all professional backgrounds are joining our community to develop the bases of this new universe.

Many of those are becoming world builders, creating the initial urban centres and residential areas for future visitors and residents. At the same time, some have a clear goal of establishing disruptive businesses operating directly from their virtual property. The Lootversian Foundation has already begun to issue commercial licenses to allow these new services to start their operation.

The first is Lootnance, an in-world exchange that offers safe, fast and user-friendly financial transactions. Through its system, Lootizens can exchange their Earthian currency for in-world Credits and then buy Loot Tickets (LTT) or Bid Units (BUN) and pay for shipping when purchasing physical items in Satoshi’s Lounge, our official marketplace.

Other authorized partners are building their systems to launch soon. Heavenly Developments, for example, will offer architectural services, including the design and construction of buildings for visionary Lootizens to live, rent or put up for sale in the future. On the other hand, Origins will act on the land’s storytelling, helping residents create NFT stories to mint on their properties and building an immersive experience through digital art.

Portal operators are fueling the in-world economy, researching and developing practical solutions for the new lifestyle in the metaverse. These pioneers are shaping the future of retail, financial services, construction, marketing, art, engineering and many other industries.

Have you ever imagined becoming a businessperson in a parallel fantasy world? So, wait no more and deep dive into this personalized guide for portal operators of Lootverse.

Real Business in a Virtual Reality

You will see incredible things happening in Lootverse pretty soon. Through the new map-driven website, shortly to be launched, users will search for the service they need and easily find the business location. Then, they will be able to quickly pay them a visit using the pin on the map. VR, AR and MR applications can be integrated into these experiences in the next stage, allowing the seamless bridge between the physical and digital worlds.

Imagine how fun it would be to enter a brick-and-mortar store and use an XR device to access products that are only available for Lootizens like you! That is the next generation of commerce, and you can be part of this transformation. Portal operators can provide a myriad of services and activities, including play-to-earn games, to benefit our fast-growing population, and get paid in Loot Tickets (LTT) that can be exchanged for Credits and converted to USDC.

Basic Rules You Should Know

As a realistic virtual world designed for grown-ups, Lootverse works similarly to real-life. Portal operators of this universe need a business license (NFT) to start their activities. Likewise, the enterprise must have a Lootizen as a formal responsible party, a name (followed by LALL, Lootversian Association Limited by Liability) and a unit from one of the buildings in this world to register as its official address.

If approved, the business license will be tagged to that specific unit which cannot be sold until the license is moved to another address or the business portal finish its activities. Although licenses are not tradable, their owner can be replaced as long as the new person in charge of the business has passed a KYC check.

Portal operators interested in starting their journey should submit a business plan for our team’s approval. The plan must include a basic description of the business, and the required integrations to enable technical developments and future services. The application must be done with an official Loot NFT staff available in our client service channel on Telegram. Over time, we will launch a gateway for portal operators in Lootverse’s Government page and implement a fee in LTT for API usage.

There are no limits about the type or nature of businesses to be subject to approval. The only restriction is about offensive content or service that threatens the reputation of our world. Once the license is authorized and issued, the portal operator is granted access to API keys to authenticate and build extensions to Lootverse. All documents are notarized by Talos, our Ethereum-based public permissioned blockchain.

Are You Ready to Join Us?

Our world is rapidly evolving to become a metaverse with a substantial internal economy and GDP that benefits all Lootizens. We have been successful in developing this ecosystem collectively with the Lootversian community. So, if you are interested in building the foundation of this reality with us, this is the best way and time to hop on the challenge.

Learn more about Lootverse: lootnft.io

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Tayce Bandeira Marchesi

Journalist, Marketing and Communications Manager, and Lootizen.