First-ever audio NFT and the significance of earning a Degree

Melanie kondo
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2021

NeoWorlder recently unveiled the first audio NFT, Harbinger of Hope, which marks the final piece in the coveted Deep Waters collection. This musical masterpiece was created by Fabrice David, popularly known as Ken Zo, a Mauritius-based DJ and producer who has been a music enthusiast since childhood. He has undergone comprehensive training in musical theory and can play various instruments such as the violin and piano.

During his teenage years, Fabrice explored different music genres while playing in amateur music groups. He discovered his love for DJ’ing in 2007 and further developed his passion while studying in Melbourne, Australia, in 2011. With 15 years of experience, Fabrice has performed in many significant events in Mauritius, and he specializes in various genres, from deep house to psychedelic trance. He was awarded the Backstage Award for Best DJ in 2017, a testament to his musical brilliance.

Fabrice David

Harbinger of Hope is the final piece listed in the Deep Waters collection and the first Audio NFT in Lootverse. Winning this NFT is essential for the lootizen who owns three NFTs from the same themed set of five to earn a degree badge. CasBarron owns two NFTs in the deep waters set, @Lestakuku owns one, and @Whale owns the last. The winner of this final NFT, CasBarron, will earn the coveted degree badge, a badge awarded to users that win simple majorities in NFT collections.

Fabrice David’s Harbinger of Hope

Earning a degree badge is crucial because it automatically reduces the mining ratio. The mining ratio is the number of BUN required to mine TIX. Winning a degree reduces the ratio, enabling users to mine more TIX with less BUN. For instance, if a Lootizenhas a mining ratio of 34:1, winning a degree will reduce their ratio down to 27:1. The more degree badges earned, the lower the mining ratio becomes. With enough dedication, a miner who started with a ratio of 34:1 can find themselves at the lowest ratio of 13:1.

The Arena’s HardCap 500 is another initiative that allows miners to join auctions with a 500 BUN limit. Once the miners have exhausted their BUN in the auction, they are instantly locked out. This initiative makes it easier to win NFTs and earn degree badges, further reducing the mining ratio.

In conclusion, Harbinger of Hope is the first-ever audio NFT and the final piece in the Deep Waters collection. Winning this NFT is crucial for earning a degree badge, which significantly reduces the mining ratio. With initiatives like the HardCap 500, miners have an increased chance of earning degree badges and reducing their mining ratio further. NeoWorlder continues to innovate and push the boundaries of NFTs, offering unique opportunities to its users.

