Introducing Health Points in Lootverse

Tayce Bandeira Marchesi
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2022

Health is a vital factor in real life, and we aimed to introduce it into the Lootverse ecosystem in the most realistic yet gamified way possible. When users “are born” in the world, they are given one hundred Health Points (HP) to begin their new life. This number decreases incrementally daily, simulating a life expectancy similar to that of the physical world, at a rate of three HP per day.

However, various events can impact a Lootizen’s Health beyond the time spent in-game. God Matrix events, such as natural disasters and atypical or magical phenomena, can affect a Lootizen’s plot, building, or unit, consequently impacting their HP and TIX balance. Anything is possible, from a thunderstorm to a devastating tornado. These events can impact a Lootizen’s HP in an unlimited manner. Luckily, God Matrix can only affect up to five percent of a Lootizen’s TIX at a time.

HP can also be decreased through warfare. As a plot ruler, a Lootizen can initiate a conflict with another plot. Additionally, a resident can partake in battle, lending aid to the armory. The aggressor’s weapons and the defender’s shields have HP harnessed to them. If the HP damage caused by the aggressors’ weapons is more significant than the shields’ protection of the land, the aggressors win, and the HP is distributed among the victors. Conversely, if the defender’s shields protect the land more effectively, the defenders win, and the users on that side regain their HP.

The major challenge is maintaining a positive balance, as an HP amount of zero or fewer results in a Lootizen’s “ death” in-game. If this occurs, they are transported to an upside-down version of our parallel reality, the Underworld. The natural terrain and core sites of Lootverse — Arena, Satoshi’s Lounge, the Government, and The Fund — are visible in this realm. Yet, no structures from the main Lootverse map, such as buildings, bridges, parks, or other constructions, are present. Moreover, the Underworld does not allow access to any portal operators.

Death, however, is not the end of the line in Lootverse! A Lootizen can alter the game by buying enough HP from the Government to have a positive balance and be deemed “alive” once more. HP will be sold in TIX, with one HP equaling 0.01 Credits, our stable coin. Additionally, 100 percent of the TIX used to purchase HP will be incinerated.

The element of Health unlocks various possibilities for users and Portal Operators worldwide. Plot Owners, who have developed their properties with buildings for future users, can attach NFTs containing HP to be released over time when the residents pay rent. As a result of the increasing life expectancy in the plots, landowners can sway the competition for the most attractive locations to inhabit across the realms of Lootverse.

Users can also become “immortals” in our parallel reality. Though not easy, this could be an exciting goal to achieve. Since users can only top up their Health wallet until the limit of 100 points is reached, they can procure more points from items sold by portal operators or purchased in resales of those items in Satoshi’s Lounge. For example, a Lootizen can buy a t-shirt with HP to bolster their balance or be surprised with an Easter egg of HP hidden in a rare NFT sold within the world. In the near future, users will even be able to transfer the HP with those assets to one another, utilizing the Lootversian chain of titles for authenticity.

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Tayce Bandeira Marchesi

Journalist, Marketing and Communications Manager, and Lootizen.