Loot NFT: The Launch Timeline

Lance Baker
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2021

UPDATE 27 May 2021: The dates mentioned in this article have been amended. Please refer to Official Notice 01 here for the updated dates.

This article outlines the timeline of our open membership intake ending on 10 July 2021 and the early-bird benefits during each sign-up stage.

Note: Although BUNs are limited to 500m, there is no cap on the number of BUNs available for sale in each open membership intake sign-up stage. However, BUNs sold are recirculated back to the Arena based on member activity on its platform; therefore, BUNs may only be available following that recirculation (thereby limiting the number of BUNs available for purchase if you sign up in Stages 2 and 3). For an in-depth overview of the intake process, see this article.

Open Membership Email Registrations

Anyone can register (i.e., whitelist) their email address before 30 June 2021 to sign up at any subsequent time. However, there are three sign-up stages between 1 June and 10 July 2021 in which those that have whitelisted their email addresses before 30 June can sign up to receive various member benefits. To note, a required step to sign up to the Arena is the purchase of BUNs.

[A] Stage 1

Anyone who whitelists their email address before 30 May 2021 can sign up between 1 and 7 June 2021.

The Benefits

Those who sign up in Stage 1 receive several badges with associated benefits and one bonus BUN for every BUN purchased.

Pioneer Badge

All Pioneer badge holders can receive a 10% commission in USDC for every purchase their invitees make up to 31 December 2022. Only 500 Pioneer badges will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Conditions apply.

Referral Bonus

Members who invite others will receive 5 BUNs for each 25 BUN pack purchased on their invitee’s first purchase up to 31 December 2022.

Lifetime Free NFT Re-listing

NeoWorlder charges a fee to re-list NFTs for auction from a member that previously won that NFT in an auction (currently, 250 BUNs). This fee is waived for holders of this badge.

[B] Stages 2 and 3

Stage 2 is for members signing up between 7–30 June 2021. This is only open to those who whitelisted their email addresses by 6 June 2021. Members that sign up receive ten bonus BUNs for every 25 BUNs purchased.

Stage 3 is for members signing up between 1–10 July 2021. This is only open to those that have whitelisted their email addresses by 30 June 2021.

Members signing up in these stages still need to receive the Pioneer badge.

The Benefits

Members in Stage 2 receive the same badges as in Stage 1, except for the Pioneer badge.

Members in Stage 3 receive the same badges as in Stage 2, except they do not accept any bonus BUNs for their first purchase.

[C] Invite Only Period

People that have whitelisted their email addresses before 30 June 2021 can sign up at any time in the future.

On the other hand, anyone that has not whitelisted their email address before 30 June 2021 will not be able to sign up without an invite (i.e., members whitelisting their email addresses).

Below is a detailed timeline together with the sign-up Stage benefits.

In summary, the timeline is straightforward. The earlier one whitelists their email address and signs up, the better the benefits.

