Lootnance: The First In-World Exchange in Lootverse

Tayce Bandeira Marchesi
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2022

The first exchange in our virtual world has officially launched, providing a new opportunity for users to convert Credits into Tickets. Lootnance, created and operated by Aya Trades, enables users to buy and sell Credits, a stable coin used within Lootverse, for Tickets, the redemptive currency that powers the ecosystem. Tickets are used for a variety of actions within the virtual world, such as purchasing Bid Units to play in the Arena or paying for shipping when buying physical items at Satoshi’s Lounge, the virtual marketplace.

Lootnance started its activities two weeks ago in a beta phase and has already processed over 140,000 Credits (1:1, USDC) and 16,000 Tickets (at market price). All users can create their account on the exchange, although trades are currently exclusive to Lootverse’s parliamentarians, who participate in the Governance of the virtual world. The exchange will be available to all users in about a month.

The platform has been designed with an intuitive interface that supports fast, safe, and low-cost transactions, with a fee of 2.5% in Tickets per trade. Users can also download the app for a more convenient and mobile-friendly experience. Additionally, Lootnance is integrated into the Bank of Lootverse, the virtual banking entity, to offer quick access to Credits and Ticket trades directly from Lootverse’s Government website.

Ishant Ayadassen, Founder and CEO of Aya Trades, said, “”Our platform provides an easy channel for users who want to trade Credits for Tickets and vice versa. It helps them land exclusive NFTs, rare collectibles, and special items in the ecosystem. By facilitating financial transitions, we unlock this myriad of opportunities for all users.””

Lootnance was developed directly from a plot of land in Lootverse, offering its services as a native Portal in the world. The platform is the first of many companies launching their services as vendors in Lootverse, accelerating economic activity and creating a fair GDP (Gross Domestic Product) representation of the world. Professionals and enterprises from several industries are joining the community to build the foundation of this new generation of solutions and supply for the metaverse’s growing demand.

To access Lootnance and start exploring the platform, users can sign up on the website, registering the same email address used in Lootverse’s account to send and receive Tickets or Credits within the ecosystem. The platform provides a new avenue for users to engage with the virtual world of Lootverse and open up a myriad of possibilities for exploration and investment.

Learn more about Loot NFT! Visit: lootnft.io

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Tayce Bandeira Marchesi

Journalist, Marketing and Communications Manager, and Lootizen.