Meet the Creators From Loot Arena’s Auctions | December Edition

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2 min readDec 21, 2021

NeoWorlder is proud to introduce two new creators who recently joined the Arena. These talented artists are Robert DiMatteo and David Banegas.

Robert DiMatteo is a Boston-born painter who now lives and works in New York. He started painting in the early 90s and began as a representational (realist) painter. Since then, he has graduated into working with abstraction, and has not looked back ever since. He is most interested in the relationship between the organic and synthetic worlds and how we live in this dichotomy.

DiMatteo presents this relationship through a vocabulary of odd shapes, both organic and geometric, that focus on colour, space, and surface/tactile qualities that challenge perception and engage the viewer on a multitude of levels. He applies this approach to the way in which memory and experience translate into colour and form. Both organic and synthetic materials add another dimension to his work, and the way they are applied and manipulated contributes to an overall engagement with surface and visual tactility.

DiMatteo’s works are a dynamic expression of human experience of the organic and synthetic worlds and a reflection of the ways we straddle these two worlds with an abstract relationship to both. His “”Arsenic”” and “”Oxygen”” were sold on December 3 and November 30, respectively.

David Banegas, on the other hand, is a Bolivian-born visual artist. Banegas started his creative journey at a young age when he had his first art gallery showing at Campo Grande in Brazil when he was only 11 years old. He cites his mother as a driving force behind his young ambition. Banegas’ focus is usually on self-portraits and making them as close to reality as possible.

When Banegas was 12, he painted a portrait of Bolivian President Hugo Banzer, which would open a fortuitous door for the artist. Upon seeing the artwork, Banzer awarded Banegas the opportunity to study privately with Masaiko Fujjita, an old master art teacher from Japan. The two-year apprenticeship allowed Banegas to master the art of painting landscapes, florals, and buildings using unique brush techniques.

Today, Banegas is focused on philanthropic outlets as well as creative ones. He works for Women and Children’s Charities in Africa, the United States, and South America, and believes that “”they are our future.”” He wants to remind investors that it’s not just about money, but also about people recognizing your talent and seeing your work, and for him, that’s success.

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