Introducing LootSafe: Own Your Adventure.

Published in
5 min readOct 11, 2018
Made by gamers for gamers, LootSafe is a game development platform that establishes real, immutable ownership over virtual assets and empowers developers to easily create, deploy, and manage items in their game.

A simple solution for both gamers and developers, LootSafe believes it’s time to own your adventure.

What is LootSafe?


Landscape Problems

Gamers spend more than $90 billion a year on in-game purchases. This economy in virtual goods is driving the game industry’s growth, but gamers don’t actually own the virtual goods they’re buying and earning. Instead, their goods are restricted to a particular game or platform, rendered immobile. Often disappearing entirely along with a game that loses developer support.

These goods represent a vast investment of time, energy, and emotion on behalf of players everywhere. Why shouldn’t players maintain the ownership they’ve paid for and earned?

The LootSafe Solution

The LootSafe platform brings real ownership of in-game items to players. Giving gamers the freedom to stop worrying about their investment going to waste. They can take hard-earned goods with them to other games and continue their adventure in other worlds.

With LootSafe, digital items are registered to the player beyond just the game in which it’s received. Rights to digital goods are put directly into the hands of gamers, who are free to do with their virtual items as they wish — whether bring them to other games or trade them with other players.

For developers, LootSafe offers a simple solution that rewards player loyalty. Implementation is an intuitive process that grants access to LootSafe’s growing list of features, giving gamers access to a broad, secure ecosystem.

Leveraging the LootSafe platform, developers won’t need to change the way they create. They can continue to develop amazing adventures, while giving users peace of mind that their time, energy, and passion won’t be wasted.

How we use the blockchain:

Decentralized Virtual Economy

Virtual goods are tokenized as ERC-20 item contracts. The items can be collected and stored in user-controlled wallets, increasing fair play and security. The purchase and sale of in-game assets as smart contracts allows players to alter, craft, trade, and port items themselves. As a developer, this means that your in-game economy can take on a life of its own.

The LootSafe Token

The LootSafe Token is an entry token to the LootSafe system and is used as a trading pair for items listed in the Marketplace. Ownership of the LootSafe Token provides access to our portal, enabling Unity and Unreal game engine integrations as well as access to a personal API for smart contract interaction.


The Marketplace can feature any type of gaming asset that has been ported to the LootSafe system. Listings might include in-game assets such as materials, objects, skins, weaponry, or any other tradeable in-game object. The marketplace checks if the seller has the item and locks the item until a trade or the listing is taken down by the seller.

Loot Boxes

Loot Boxes are caches of virtual goods. They are bought by players, much in the same way a collector might buy an unopened pack of baseball cards. LootSafe’s blockchain-based platform enables developers to provide a loot box experience that is transparent, randomized, and fair.


The Store is a platform to showcase and sell application modules that can be used in your game. These might include on-chain friends lists, trade systems, and other extensions that can be used by game developers to decentralize their game.

Improving the Digital Goods Landscape

Not Enough Security

Other current third-party venues that allow trading of digital goods often lack security, leading to player anxiety around the success of the exchange. LootSafe’s platform will ensure that every trade is guaranteed to go through and provide a robust ecosystem that players and developers can have confidence in.

Bringing Power back to Developers

With support for some of the biggest gaming engines (e.g., Unreal, Unity), LootSafe won’t interfere with the way that developers create. Using any programming language, developers can deploy, create, and manage virtual goods and extensions through RESTful API, making for simple implementation for any project.

Give Durability to Digital Goods

Digital goods are currently fragile, frequently existing only as long as the game in which they were received. LootSafe provides these goods with durability, giving them a life outside of the game. Virtual items continue to exist and belong to the player for as long as the player desires, unaffected by any other factors.

Token Value & Sale Dates

Details of our token offering will be announced soon!


Matthew Wisniewski

CEO, Founder & Lead Developer

A die-hard gamer and entrepreneur, Matt Wisniewski has founded several startups in the last 7 years, worked professionally in the cryptocurrency space, and is an early Ethereum adopter. In 2015, he began to develop and audit blockchain and smart contract systems, including several large-scale initiatives on the Ethereum chain.

Mike Semler

Co-Founder & COO

Entrenched in the entertainment industry since he was a teenager, Mike Semler founded his first company when he was 19. Booking tours for Bands and artists. After ten years of working on marketing and branding projects in the private and public sectors, including serving as a director for several campaigns, Mike saw the potential of decentralization with blockchain technologies. He’s an early Bitcoin and Ethereum investor as well as an avid Nintendo Switch player and evangelist.

Michael Romano

Co-Founder & CFO

Michael Romano is the Chief Financial Officer at LootSafe, bringing fiscal discipline and extensive finance and contracts management experience to the LootSafe team. Prior to LootSafe, Michael spent fifteen years in finance and contracts management roles and most recently served as the Contracts Manager for a major government contractor. During his tenure, Michael was instrumental in providing budget adherence, contract negotiation, and subcontractor management on all company efforts.

David Pomarède

Co-Founder & Research

An open-source enthusiast and blockchain expert for more than seven years, David’s research centers on the cultural machinations of virtual goods in online communities. He’s a personal fan of the creator of KoBra MUD, and an avid player of text-based games of all kinds.

Road Map

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