Study underway to find out working of multiple limbs of Hindu Gods

A Group of Scientists Trying the Impossible

Abhinav Bhatt
1 min readSep 30, 2016

Chile, South America — A group of scientists have taken up the challenge to find out how the Hindu Gods have more than 2 hands and still have grace in their workings and movements.

Just for fun

In a world’s first study, the scientists will try to understand how does the intricate bone structure exist in God’s bodies. Intrigued by the amazing fact that some of the Gods have 12 hands and all, they decided to understand the skeletal structure and the muscle ligament information which allowed God to hold various things in their hands and keeping the hands in the upward direction. Keeping limbs upright is a difficult task and after a while, hands get tired. But this doesn’t seem to happen with Gods. They also wanted to know how some Gods have multiple heads, but then that comes under the branch of Siamese twins and similar stuff.

They might even extend their study to find out if even the bodies exist in first place.



Abhinav Bhatt

Blogger, Graphic Designer, Engineer / I write about Life, Culture and Tech. Sometimes my posts might be Satirical.