Hanuman Ji’s Darshan, Experience Shared By Devotees

Hinduism Knowledge
Lord Hanuman
Published in
13 min readJan 17, 2016

Lord Hanuman is considered an ideal of force, power, energy, wisdom, service and devotion to God. That is why in religious scriptures, he is also called as Sakalgunnidhan. Simply put, Lord Hanuman is immortal.

In Shri Hanuman Chalisa, Goswami Tulsidas has written — ‘Charo Jug Pratap Tumhara, Hai Prasidh Jagat Ujiara’. It is clear from this line that Lord Hanuman has been present as a troubleshooter in every age in some form or the other to protect the universe. These things about Lord Hanuman create people’s faith and reverence in him.

Hanuman Ji is Immortal and Alive

Lord Ram had blessed Hanuman with the boon of being Chiranjeevi (immortal till the end of Kaliyug).

In her previous life, Sri Hanumanji’s mother was Punjikasthala and she was cursed to become a female monkey in next life — a curse could only be nullified if she gave birth to a reincarnation of Sri Shiva. She was reborn as Anjana and performed many yagnas to please Sri Bhagwan Shiv — who finally granted her that boon.

Bhagwan Ram Himself said to Sri Hanuman, “I am greatly indebted to you, You did marvellous, magnanimous deeds. You do not want anything in return. Sugriva has his kingdom restored to him. Angada has been made the crown prince. Vibhishana has become king of Lanka. But you have not asked for anything at any time. You threw away the precious garland of pearls given to you by Sita, not finding my name in it. How can I repay My debt of gratitude to you? I will always remain deeply indebted to you. I give you the boon of everlasting life. All will honour and worship you like Myself. Your murti will be placed at the door of My temple and you will be worshipped and honoured first. Whenever My histories and leelas are recited or glories sung, your glory will be sung before Mine. You will be able to do anything, even that which I will not be able to!”

Hanuman Ji is still alive and seen by many Saints and Sages in human form or his original avatar.

Ram Bhakt Hanuman Ji’s Darshan In Human Form

Amar Singh Yadav Ji made revelation on people who got darshan of Sri Ram Bhakt Hanuman Ji. One day my gurudev, Sri Swami Girdhari Lal Bhaktamal, went with a group of his disciples to the temple of Gore Dau ji on Parikrama Marg in Vrindavan. A religious ceremony was being held, and during the course of a reference to Hanuman ji, an idea flashed in my mind. ‘Everyone says that Hanuman ji is immortal but nobody says that they have ever seen him. It is natural if a dead person is not seen, but it is strange that an immortal one has not been seen by anyone.’ I expressed my thoughts to the swamis, but their answers did not satisfy me.

My gurudev asked my fellow disciples to go to Neeb Karori Baba’s (Neem Karoli Baba or Maharajji) ashram to have Hanuman ji’s darshan. On their return he asked me to go as well. I saw a beautiful temple just in front of the entry to the ashram, but I did not see a murti of Hanuman ji there. Sitting comfortably in the center of the room, facing the open doorway, was a large man wearing a dhoti and a blanket. I assumed that he was the manager of the ashram and that he was waiting for the murti to be brought so that it could be installed. On my return I told Guru Maharaj everything that I had seen. My fellow devotees, who had returned from the temple, expressed their surprise that I had not seen the huge murti of Hanuman ji in the temple. Gurudev said, “It was the grace of Hanuman ji that he gave you darshan in human form.”

A few years later I was visiting my brother R.S. Yadav and saw a photograph in his house of the same man as I had seen in Baba Neeb Karori’s ashram. He looked exactly the same and was dressed in the same way. I pointed to the photograph and told my brother that I had seen him somewhere before. He was very happy to hear the full account of my experience in 1984 and went on to tell me that the photograph was of Baba Neeb Karori, who people recognize as an incarnation of Hanuman ji. He added that Baba left his body in 1973 and that the huge murti of Hanuman ji had been installed in that temple sometime in 1970.

My brother also narrated two similar experiences of his friend, Brihaspatidev Triguna Vaidya, another devotee of Baba Neeb Karori. On 24 September 1973 Triguna ji went to Baba’s ashram in Jaunapur, Delhi, to have prasad on the thirteenth day after Mahasamadhi. After bowing before Hanuman ji’s murti, he raised his head and saw Baba standing there in place of the murti. He was astonished at the sight and offered pranaam again. When he looked up the second time, he saw Hanuman ji’s murti.

The second incident took place sometime after 1976. Triguna ji went from Delhi to visit Kainchi and stood outside the big marble temple, in which he saw a huge murti of Hanuman. He did not know that he was standing outside Baba’s temple. For as long as he stood there, he had the darshan of Hanuman ji and not Baba. On returning to Delhi, he told my brother about the big marble temple with the murti of Hanuman ji. My brother told him that, in reality, Baba Neeb Karori’s murti was in that temple. These events completely removed my doubts.

Nilkantvarni Met Hanuman Ji Personally

It is incident of 17th century during Great Rajmata Ahilyabai Holkar Ji’s regime. Rajmata was very brave and noble queen, she consumed her own property inherited from forefathers on charity works for her Kingdom. Her personal views on charity can be seen here.

In one of the leelas of Nilkanthvarni, he was being pushed into the river Saryu by Kaushidatta. Nilkanthvarni swam down the river came out on the opposite side some twenty four miles away. He walked for three days through the wild forest, barefooted and without food and water. Nilkanthvarni wondered timelessly and soon fainted from exhaustion. After opening His eyes he saw a river shimmering with the reflection of the setting sun. He bathed in the fresh, clean water, prayed and then sat down to rest. Night soon fell and Nilkanthvarni went into Samadhi. At this time Hanumanji came in child form to have darshan of Nilkanthvarni. Meanwhile, a demon called Bhayrav and his fellow demons were roaming the forest in search of food. They spotted a helpless child from a distance and thought that He would be easy prey to satisfy their hunger. As Nilkanthvarni was still in a trance, Hanumanji saw Bhayrav and his compatriots, stealthily approaching Nilkanthvarni with their mouths watering at the prospect of a good feed. Realising their intentions, Hanumanji caught them and beat them with his mighty mace and tail. The demons retreated, squealing in pain and Hanumanji went back to sit near Nilkanthvarni.

Morning came and Nilkanthvarni came out of his trance. He saw Hanumanji and knowing the events of the previous night, he thanked Ram Bhakt for saving him. Whilst Nilkanthvarni carried out his morning routine and prayers, Hanumanji gathered fruit and berries from the forest for Nilkanthvarni. Nilkanthvarni ate this offering with great satisfaction. Being very humble and always ready to protect Shri Vishnu Bhakts, Hanumanji requested Nilkanthvarni to call upon him at any time of need so he could have an opportunity to serve Him and seek His divine blessings.

Hanuman Ji gave Darshan to Tulsidas Ji

This incident occurred in 15th century.

Tulsidas hints at several places in his works, that he had met face to face with Hanuman and Bhagwan Ram. The detailed account of his meetings with Hanuman and Bhagwan Ram are given in the Bhaktirasbodhini of Priyadas. According to Priyadas’ account, Tulsidas used to visit the woods outside Varanasi for his morning ablutions with a water pot. On his return to the city, he used to offer the remaining water to a certain tree. This quenched the thirst of a Preta (a type of ghost believed to be ever thirsty for water), who appeared to Tulsidas and offered him a boon. Tulsidas said he wished to see Bhagwan Ram with his eyes, to which the Preta responded that it was beyond him. However, the Preta said that he could guide Tulsidas to Hanuman, who could grant the boon Tulsidas asked for. The Preta told Tulsidas that Hanuman comes everyday disguised in the mean attire of a leper to listen to Ramkatha, he is the first to arrive and last to leave.

That evening Tulsidas noted that the first listener to arrive at the discourse was an old leper, who sat at the end of the gathering. After the Katha was over, Tulsidas quietly followed the leper to the woods. In the woods, at the spot where the Sankat Mochan Temple stands today, Tulsidas firmly fell at the leper’s feet, shouting “I know who you are” and “You cannot escape me”. At first the leper feigned ignorance but Tulsidas did not relent. Then the leper revealed his original form of Hanuman and blessed Tulsidas. When granted a boon, Tulsidas told Hanuman he wanted to see Bhagwan Ram face to face. Hanuman told him to go to Chitrakuta where he would see Bhagwan Ram with his own eyes.

At the beginning of the Ramcharitmanas, Tulsidas bows down to a particular Preta and asks for his grace (Ramcharitmanas, Doha 1.7). According to Rambhadracharya, this is the same Preta which led Tulsidas to Hanuman. Tulsidas Ji is the composer of the great Hanuman Chalisa which is very powerful source of generating positive energy.

Hanuman Ji’s Darshan in Vedic Texts and Vishnu’s Leela

Everyone knows about Hanumanji and the major contribution by him, around 2 million years ago, during Sree Ram’s exile and his support in battle with Ravan. After the war, and after reigning for several years, the time arrived for Bhagwan Ram to depart to his heavenly abode. Many of Ram’s entourage, decided to depart with him including vanaras like Sugriva. However, shunning the heavens, Hanuman requested to remain on earth for as long as Ram’s name is venerated by people. Sita accorded Hanuman that wish, and granted that his image will be installed at various public places, so he could listen to people chanting Ram’s name. He is thus one of the chiranjeevis (immortals) in Hinduism.

Proof From Mahabharat — Bheem Meeting Hanuman Ji

HanumanJi has shown his presence even during Mahabharatha which is believed to have happened during the time of Lord Krishna only 5000 years ago.

Bheem & Hanuman

When the Pandavas were in the forest, Draupadi requested Bheema for a Saugandhika flower of heavenly fragrance. Bheema went forth into the forest to bring it. As Bheema was walking fast with long strides, he saw a monkey’s tail across his path. He angrily shouted, “You ape, remove your tail and clear my way.” The monkey slowly looked at Bheema and said, “My dear man, I am very old and can’t even move. Push my tail away and walk on.” Bheema was angry, amused and full of contempt. Was it what an unequalled hero like him should do? He tried to push the tail with his mace. But nothing happened. Try as he would, he could not even move that old tail. Then his mind grew clear and it dawned on him that this was not any ordinary monkey but could be Hanuman. With folded hands he begged his pardon.

Krishna & Hanuman

Eager to be of service to another avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu (Krishna), Hanuman attached himself to the flag of Arjuna’s chariot, whose charioteer in the Mahabharat war was Krishna. He thus had the fortune of hearing the Gita as recited by Sri Krishna himself, the only other people having the opportunity being Arjun, Sanjay and Dhritarashtra (informed by Sanjay).

Arjun & Hanuman

Once on his pilgrimage to visit sacred places Arjun met Hanuman at Rameswaram. Arjun over-confident about himself said, “Sree Ram need not have asked the monkeys to build a bridge. If I were there that time, I would have built a bridge with arrows.” “A bridge of your arrows! Leave alone the Vanar sena (army), it will crumble under my feet” replied Hanuman. Well, it developed into a challenge. It was decided that Arjun should erect a bridge with his arrows and Hanuman should walk on it. If the bridge collapsed, Arjun should jump into fire; otherwise, Hanuman must adorn Arjun’s banner (flag).

Arjuna built a bridge with his arrows. No sooner did Hanuman set one foot on it than it broke into pieces. Arjuna got ready to jump into the fire.

Just then, Shri Krishn reached there. He asked them to repeat their performances. When Arjun erected the arrow-bridge, Krishn touched the bridge with his divine hands as if to test it. Then when Hanuman danced on it heavily, it did not even shake. Hanuman was shocked and then realised that Krishn is none other than Bhagwan Ram. Hanuman kept his word and entered Arjun’s banner (flag).

Presence of Hanuman

Hanuman is a Chiranjeevi, he is immortal. There have been numerous saints who have seen Hanuman in modern times, notably Tulsidas (16th century), Sri Ramdas Swami (17th century), and Raghavendra Swami (17th century). Many others have also testified to his presence wherever the Ramayan is recited.

Hanuman Ji Photographed Alive

Being one of the Avatar of Bhagwan Shiv, Hanuman Ji has power of changing forms and size of his body.

The incident occurred in recent 21st century itself.

The picture was purportedly taken of Hanuman in a cave at Manasarovar Lake (Kailash) in the Himalayas during 1998 summer. On Sunday the 9th May, 1999, this strange picture of Hanuman reading the Ramayan, was first seen in the house of Sri V. Srinivasan at Rohini in North-West Delhi, and from there this picture got populated across internet.

V Srinivasan said “it is one of the few originals of the Hanuman photos.”

The government of India every year during the summer “before the onslaught of monsoon”, gives permissions after medical check up, to selected individuals and send them in groups to Manasarovar Lake near Kailash. Such groups necessarily will consist of different nationalities, and different people from different regions of India.

A group of people went to Manasarovar for a piligrimage trip. One person from the group of devotees taking the picture saw a light inside a cave, photoed that light and died there on the spot for reasons not known (this part every one is confirming who went along). Later the friends developed the roll from the camera and got this print!.

It is a fact that Hanuman does exist in this Kaliyuga, our present age, since he is a Chiranjeevi (immortal).

Recent revelations by Setuu Asia Organization

Even till date, there is a tradition alive in some Hindu Gotras. A wise man who belongs to a particular Gotra comes to visit families of that Gotra every 10 or 20 years. He keeps a logbook in which he logs births and deaths of that Gotra. They have history of that Gotra preserved with them. They can reveal full family tree of a person since the beginning of that Gotra. They can tell name of the places where people of that Gotra have settled over the years.

In a similar fasion, a Sri Lanka based Hindu organization called Setuu found out that ‘wise man’ of a tribe called ‘Mathang’ is none other than Shri Hanuman.

Lord Hanuman comes to meet Mathangs every 41 years

Setuu has revealed that Lord Hanuman comes to meet Mathangs every 41 years.

During His visit to Mathangs, Lord Hanuman imparts the supreme knowledge to new members of the Mathang community. The Leelas performed by Lord Hanuman are logged in a holy logbook. Setuu has deciphered many chapters of this logbook and published them in English and Hindi on their website. Every chapter contains the supreme knowledge which is in purest form, unlike the ancient scriptures which are not available in their original form today. The chapters deciphered by Setuu so far are listed below :

Chapter 1 : The immortal Lord Hanuman arrives

Chapter 2 : Hunting Honey with the immortal Lord Hanuman

Chapter 3 : The immortal Lord Hanuman in the web of Time

Chapter 4 : The immortal Lord Hanuman’s visit to VishnuLoka

Chapter 5 : The immortal Lord Hanuman teaches how to fly out of body

Chapter 6 : The history and mystery of 33 Crore Surrahs revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman

Chapter 7 : Is that the Sun or a fruit? Reveals the immortal Lord Hanuman

Chapter 8 : Makardhwaja was not His son, reveals the immortal Lord Hanuman

Chapter 9 : Secret of RamaSetu revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman

Chapter 10 : The secret of Existence: how a woman can give birth to as many as 60,000 children

Chapter 11 : The secret of desire fulfilment revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman

Chapter 12 : Descent of Goddess Ganga to the MaanavLoka

Chapter 13 : The immortal Lord Hanuman reveals secret of Shiv Linga and the idol of Tirupathi

Lord Hanuman and Lord Kalki

If Lord Hanuman has been coming to meet Mathangs all these centuries, why did He keep it a secret? If He wanted the world to know about His Leelas, this tribe could have been discovered earlier also. Is it just because of the internet that this mystery has come to light? Or is it because Lord Hanuman and Lord Vishnu wanted this discovery to happen only at this juncture of Kaliyuga? What does this revelation indicate? Setuu organization opines that Lord Vishnu is coming to earth very soon in His Kalki avatar. Lord Kalki will end the Kaliyuga and bring Satyuga. Lord Hanuman shall help Him in this task. May be the task has already started. In one of the chapters of His Leelas, Lord Hanuman says, “Birth of Lord Kalki itself would be a bigger exercise than the Mahabharata war”. Should we believe that that exercise has begun?

