LORDLESS Bounty Chest Guidelines

Last updated: Feb 15, 2019

Joe Hill
3 min readJan 30, 2019


Telegram @lordless_global

LORDLESS Bounty Chest Guidelines

We are so happy to announce that LORDLESS has released the feature of Bounty Chest which can help the bounty hunters to wrap the rewards(token assets). Now you can access the Bounty Chest wrapping page via clicking the button on the upper right of BC page.

Bounty Chest wrapping entrance

You can wrap the tokens to a Bounty Chest. The minimum amount of your holdings for wrapping is 0.1 ETH. If the value of your tokens reached 0.1 ETH, you could adjust the size of the Bounty Chest via the slider. LORDLESS prefers to help you wrap a Bounty Chest which contains a variety of tokens.

Bounty Chest wrapping

If you do not care about the exact number, you can switch to the OPTIONS mode and make a Bounty Chest with only one click.

LORDLESS will freeze your token assets in the account during the wrapping period. The chest would be mined straight to your wallet when the transaction completed. Otherwise, there will be no Bounty Chest wrapped if you got a failed transaction, and the tokens would be back to your LORDLESS account.

Bounty Chest states

If you get your Bounty Chest successfully, you can unlock the chest by spending HOPS. Please confirm your HOPS payment when the popover shows your payment detail. You will get all the tokens in your wallet after you open the Bounty Chest.

LORDLESS will calculate the minimum amount of LESS to deposit automatically for you when your HOPS is insufficient. You can complete the LESS Term Deposit in the popover conveniently. And if your LESS in the wallet is also insufficient LORDLESS has already calculated the LESS difference for you. You can purchase some more LESS on DDEX. For more detail, visit the LESS Term Deposit Guidelines.

Bounty Chest quick deposit

Before you unlock the Bounty Chest, you need to authorize the Bounty Chest smart contract to operate your HOPS and Bounty Chest, both of them are cryptocurrency asset, on your behalf. It takes a few minutes to complete the authorization by sending transactions. You should wait for the result patiently until the state of the authorization turns to complete.

Bounty Chest authorization

You can view the transaction of unlocking the Bounty Chest. All the tokens transferred to your wallet are listing on the page. Our HOPS token icon is cute, right?

Transaction result

The Bounty Chests are also tradable on OpenSea. If you do not want to spend the HOPS to unlock the Bounty Chest, you can sell them on the marketplace or buy some more Bounty Chest to open by spending your extra HOPS.

