Zai M.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
1 min readJan 1, 2017


As the rain droplets continue pelting my bedroom window, I’ve been looking back at the things I’ve done, when I was trying to be someone. The hits & misses, friendships lost and gained, newfound experiences and missed opportunities; in life you will definitely come across ‘traffic lights’ when taking pause is necessary, at ‘junctions’ when your decision-making comes into play. The point is, life will just zoom past you so you don’t have sugar-sweet time to ponder and deliberate; react and recover, get your act together and move on.

Shit happens. React. Innovate. Darwin. Murphy.” (Tom Cruise/Jamie Foxx, Collateral)

And so my biggest takeaway from NOC & 2016 is this lit af girlfriend standing beside me, through thick & thin, we will try to react & respond to 2017 as we go along. There’s no time to waste, life must go one.




Zai M.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Creative, Growth, Content | Founder @INDPNDNTSG | Instagram @twotoneblind | Certified Digital Advertising Professional | DIGITIZE Graduate - Google APAC