Bay of Loreto Citizen’s Observatory

Hugo Quintero
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2016

by Brenda Garcia

Every day we know more about natural resources and the enormous benefits and services they provide to our health, economy and social welfare. It makes sense to make every effort to protect and preserve our shared natural resources like marine parks, by promoting and supporting sustainable practices among everyone who depends on them from providers of goods and services to everyone who enjoys their wonders.

Encouraging sustainable interest in the Bay of Loreto National Park natural resources

snorkeling free diving

We have much to learn from those who rely on these shared resources to make a living through sustainable fishing or tourism, as well as from those who enjoy the Park’s majestic landscapes and enjoy the experiences the Park makes available.

This understanding has lead to the production of outreach materials with information about the national and international importance of the Bay of Loreto National Park, and the regulations that we must bear in mind to visit and preserve this wonderful place.

Community Participation

Considering everything we know about the benefits and services that our shared natural resources provide us, one way we can give back is by following government regulations responsibly, especially those that are focused on conserving our natural resources.

The best way to participate in shared conservation efforts is by having detailed information about public policies that regulate the resources that we have, as well as learning how to enjoy shared resources without damaging them. Responsible participation by all will build the local economy, allowing for social and environmental well-being for all.

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead

With all involved citizens working together, and participating in any available public forums, we can influence decision-making towards a social approach that provides solutions that benefit all who depend on these shared natural resources.

National Park ‘s Citizen Advisory Board at a working session

Social Participation

The key to public input being taken into account in decision-making is the Social Organization. So we are working to help and promote organizations involved in the main activities carried out within the PNBL, which include fishing and tourism through cooperative societies of fish production and tourist service cooperatives.

Working with organizations internally, helping them define the role and direction that works for all members of the cooperative, helps organizations work more efficiently and effectively.

Originally published in



Hugo Quintero
Editor for

Our challenge 4 sustainable Loreto Baja Sur is 2 improve quality of life including ecological,political,social & economic components;all inclusive attitude!