Change the name to the SoCal Chargers

Ernie Padaon
Los Angeles Chargers
2 min readJan 17, 2017

What a freaking disaster it has been for the Chargers with their announcement to LA. The San Diego fans hate everything about the move since Los Angeles has been a sports rival for the longest time and the team packed up all their crap and is moving up north.

The Los Angeles fans think it is a huge joke and hate the fact that the Chargers are moving into their territory. The football in the fans in the city were hoping the the Chargers would stay in San Diego and that the Raiders would come back in town.

Instead, the Chargers are in the city and are getting booed out of every building their logo pops up on a scoreboard. The PR department has always been a hot mess and here it is all over again.

I do propose one change for the team and it could smooth over some things with the fans in San Diego. Why don’t we take the Los Angeles off of the name and claim them as the SoCal Chargers. Or the freaking Golden State Chargers… Anything that can remove the Los Angeles off of the name and claim the whole southern part of the state or claim the whole state.


It seems like a brilliant move and would actually make me feel a little more proud of rooting for that team that I will never call the LA Chargers!

What do you all think? Will that smooth off anything? Is that a compromise that could work out to make you feel just a little better about it?

