San Diego could be the one city that stops the Raiders from going to Vegas

Ernie Padaon
Los Angeles Chargers
2 min readJan 17, 2017

The Raiders are looking to dip out of Oakland and head into a new city, but there is one city that could hold things up for the Raiders. According to Mike Florio, San Diego could be in the running to bring the Raiders into town if the city can come up with the cash to build a stadium.


I would love to have a football team in San Diego, but the city couldn’t pull the funds together to keep the Chargers in town. If there was some sort of miracle for the Raiders to come to the city, I feel that it would be a move by the city to just prove that Dean Spanos is a jerk that was always looking to dip out of town.

How would the Raiders be welcomed into town?

It would be an interesting dynamic and if they were to make the move, it would be at the perfect time. The fans have a bitterness toward the Chargers organization right now and bringing in a new team to fill that void, even if it is the Raiders, would bring some cheer back in.

There has always been hate toward the Raiders, but an enemy to our enemy, is our friend!

I don’t know if it would happen, but the fans in the city, root for the team that is in the city! If it were the Raiders that decided to move into town, I guess we are painting are faces up and acting a fool, because the Raider Nation is in town.

I must have gone crazy!

Would you root for the Raiders if they were to move to San Diego?

