Interesting Facts About Coding (Part 2)

Loshberry Code Studio
Loshberry Code Studio
3 min readJul 18, 2017

Loshberry Code Studio presents our 3-part ‘Interesting Facts About Coding’ series. Previously in part 1, we explored different misconceptions about coding. We will now look at the role of coding in the past and future.

The 1st computer programmer was a woman

In 1843, Ada Lovelace, a British mathematician, published an English translation of an Analytical Engine article written by an Italian engineer. She added her own extensive notes to the translation. In one of her notes, she described an algorithm which has since been known as the first one written for a computer. Thus, Lovelace has been recognised as the first computer programmer. Did Lovelace go onto a life of Ted Talks (or whatever the Victorian equivalent was)? Sadly not, she died at the young age of 36, but her legacy thankfully lives on. Fun fact: At Loshberry Code Studio, there are plenty of girls attending our classes, and most of our instructors are females too!

Girl Power!

Coding is the future

The rapid advancement of technology has called for greater integration and knowledge of technology. In the near future, everyone will know something about programming, whether they are computer programmers or not. In Singapore, we already see the shift to becoming a Smart Nation and how the government is taking steps to introduce special programmes that foster creativity and problem solving through coding. Loshberry Code Studio is partnered with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) Lab on Wheels team, as a trusted Edutech partner to teach robotics in local schools, in a quest to develop future innovators, creators and leaders in technology.

Conducting an Ozobot workshop at Gongshang Primary School, Singapore

Coding is more than just mastering languages

There are many programming languages and each are useful for different purposes. However, programming is more than just mastering languages. It is important to first develop computational thinking, critical thinking and problem solving skills. By focusing on such skills, it allows the building of fundamental understanding behind the languages, making mastery of the languages much easier and more meaningful. In fact, coding languages evolve over time, and the popular languages today may not be relevant in just 2–3 years’ time. With proper mastery of computational thinking, one can easily switch to another coding language by applying the same concepts and principles, and stay relevant.

Our classes in action

Join Loshberry Code Studio in our signature Coding Discovery Camps and explore our unique classroom experience!

For more information, please email us at or call us at +65 9107 0962.

Written for Loshberry Code Studio by Vivian



Loshberry Code Studio
Loshberry Code Studio

Creating Futures. Coding & Computational Thinking camps & classes for kids in Singapore.