A Level H2 Computing

From a non-Computing student.

Jean Tay
Loshberry Computing
5 min readFeb 2, 2021


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What made you choose H2 Computing as a subject for A levels?

H2 Computing was an alternative subject to Chemistry offered in my JC. I had dreaded Chemistry in secondary school, so I seized this valuable opportunity to learn more about coding and programming.

Moreover, I thought that it could be useful to learn about how our computers and devices, which we use on a daily basis, work.

What struggle did you face in H2 Computing ?

Meme : Indentation error in code resulting in pain
Source : CodeItBro

The biggest struggle which I faced (and took a year to master) was syntax – which is essentially grammar rules used in the program. Learning the Python syntax in a span of 2 years in an exam-based system was similar to learning English all over again. How am I supposed to master a new language in this short period of time?

In addition to syntax, studying Computing was vastly different from rote memorization and applied learning like in other subjects. It demands for a thorough understanding of logic and computational thinking for problem solving. Rather than asking why it works, we are challenged to think about how the logic works.

Initially, I lagged behind my other O Level Computing students and spent a significantly greater time finishing up my tutorials (almost 1 week per tutorial). I had to keep practising and familiarising myself with the nuances of the Python language.

However, I never walked alone.

My teachers always held open consults for us to clarify our queries, and I learnt alongside my academically-stronger friends who kindly shared their learning resources and even struggled together with my weaker friends.

This combination of support from friends and teachers compelled me to continue learning and, eventually, loving this subject.

What was the most interesting thing you learnt in H2 Computing?

Tic-Tac-Toe socket programming , Source: GitConnected

After overcoming the hurdles of syntax and computational thinking, Computing became a fun and experimental subject. I thoroughly enjoyed the topic, “Socket Programming” which allowed us to play mini games and code chatbots between the client and server (similar to 2 friends communicating with each other!). This element of fun compelled me to be more creative in solving my tutorial questions and appreciative of the process of learning Computing. Hence, this topic sparked my interest towards creating elementary games for children to enjoy!

What’s a typical lesson like for H2 Computing in your school? How is it different from other subjects?

The lessons only consist of tutorials (yay!), which catered more time for the mastery of Python as well as in depth discussions for Computing theory. Unlike other subjects, having no lectures allowed for more focussed and extensive practice during class. This meant that within a week of classes, we would have studied and continually practised on a single topic before moving on to the next. As a result, this tutorial-based schedule allowed me to concentrate on my areas of weakness and improve on it.

What advice would you give to (non-Computing) juniors who are considering taking H2 Computing at A levels?

Don’t join just to escape Chemistry, but come with a passion and be delighted by its possibilities! While it is inevitably hard to learn a new language from scratch, I think that the combination of your hard work and support from your school will definitely compel you to excel in this interesting subject.

However, not to sugar coat anything, it will be an uphill battle where you will learn something new till you sit for your A Levels. With that being said, Computing will be an extremely rewarding subject to take as you can immediately apply IRL (e.g., job searching or university modules)

What useful resources could non-Computing juniors use to help them understand Computing better?

Source : Codecademy and Harvard

Before entering JC, I used Codecademy – a free platform to self-learn Python, HTML and CSS. It is an extremely beginner-friendly website to explore the syntax of the languages taught, and I recommend you to start here.

In addition to self-learning, the CS50 course by Harvard is an amazing course to attend for advanced learners as it covers a majority of our 2020 syllabus.

What is the gender ratio like in Computing classes? Would you recommend female juniors to take Computing?

Source : 9GAG

The gender ratio is slightly less than 50% in Computing classes, with more boys than girls. This statistic should neither shock nor discourage you from taking Computing, as it is merely an A Level subject. In the same vein, gender does not dictate excellence in any subject but rather your hard work and ingenuity. Hence, I would recommend all my non-Computing juniors , who have the passion and drive to learn coding, to take Computing.

After attending Loshberry Computing by Ms Tay, how did her lessons help you in your Computing journey?

Extra help is always helpful.

I decided to join Ms Tay’s Computing lessons after barely passing my J1 promotional examination.

And, I’m glad I did.

It is the compelling combination of Ms Tay’s visual learning style and concise lesson plans that gave structure to my codes. My main weakness was having many logical gaps in my codes. She concentrated on my areas of weakness and worked to eliminate it during every lesson. Her lessons, additionally, filled me with palpable excitement whenever I learned something new which I could apply in my tutorials :).

On top of that, Ms Tay was recently highlighted in the inaugural SG 100 Women In Tech (SG100WIT) list organised by Singapore Computer Society (SCS), Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and SG Women in Tech, which recognises efforts in inspiring girls and young women to pursue a career in technology. So if you are a female student, you’d be under great mentorship from Ms Tay in navigating the tech industry as a female as well!

From now till 28 Feb 2021, Ms Tay is running a promotion for a free 30 minute (online) trial lesson for O / A Level Computing! Simply contact Loshberry Computing via one of the methods below to sign up!

Phone/Whatsapp: +65 9107 0962

Email: hweeshan@computingtuition.com

