Body Fat Just Bounces Off. Now I Am 57% Done in Only 15 Days.

I Am Steadily Reaching My Set Target Weight — 15 Days and Down 8.2kg, 18 Ib.

Un Swede Svensson
Losing weight with Un Swede


woman-sexy-jeans-shorts-sexy-woman-body-jean-shorts-sensual-couple-desire-sensual-female-naked-girl-sexy-couple-body-part-sexy-jeans-girl-showing-off-summer-tan-stomach-belly-waist xx — Un Swede
Fat bounce off — Photo by Bodysport | Freepik, edited by Author

It’s the steady, quiet, plodding ones who win in the lifelong race.

Robert W. Service

The Progress Is so Far Steady

So far, so good, as some wise person said once in the past. But things might slow down. I never read about a diet that makes the weight go down this steady.

600 gram per day lost on average since the start, that is like two significant portions of chicken in weight each day.

And I see the waist is vanishing.

And yes, my genital doesn’t look at all happy, now at least, I can see him again. As I recall, he was more extensive, but a long time since I saw him, I might be wrong.

I hope you follow this series as close as I look at that scale every morning.

Let us dive into this as a team.

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.

Napoleon Hill

#1 — i Had a Great Week or 5 Days



Un Swede Svensson
Losing weight with Un Swede

I write to you, experiences from my work with management, coding, startups, and as icing on the cake, some of my life lessons.