Body Fat Feeds My Brain!

A Remarkable Visible Effect Is Taking Place — 20 Days and Down 9.3kg, 20.5 Ib.

Un Swede Svensson
Losing weight with Un Swede


sport-figure-attractive-woman-with-measure-tape — Un Swede
Visible affect — Photo by Weyo | Freepik

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

Charles R. Swindoll

Talking About the Trolls, and They Show Up

Last week I said it is normal to have plateaus when you diet. That time, I didn’t have any. And so I hit one directly after talking about it.

Four days and no loss, just twisting around the exact figure, only two last days it started to go down again.

But I do have experience, and it is never to give up. Do your best, and it will pay off, so it did this time again.

Now I hope it will take a while before the next plateau, but there will be more. It isn’t possible to go down day after day. The body needs to get together and react.

Before it was two days and then it went further.

I am stubborn, so I keep going, but I learned that a slight change in a tactic sometimes produces progress.

I have one in my sleeve, full-day fasting. So far, I haven’t used it, but if needed, I will do that.

You can’t change who you are, but you can…



Un Swede Svensson
Losing weight with Un Swede

I write to you, experiences from my work with management, coding, startups, and as icing on the cake, some of my life lessons.