How to save time and money registering found items?
Saving time and money is valuable for every company. Especially in the process for Lost & Found since ressources are often limited.
Does your Lost & Found Office struggle with the flood of items?
Make your lost and found process a as easy and fast as possible with our fast register module! You can enter several items from one source quickly and easily. This will save you time and energy in the long run.
The fast register module from Lost & Found software is a game changer for anyone who needs to enter multiple items into the system at once. With just a few clicks, you can select all the standard information (location, date, etc.) and have it apply to all the items you’re registering. This saves so much time and hassle, and makes the whole process much smoother. If you’re looking for a way to optimize your processes and improve your customer experience, Lost andFound Software is the way to go.
As an example if the TSA brings all the found items from Sunday to the Lost and Found Office on a Monday morning. Now they need a confirmation for the items they delivered to keep track of everything.
With the Fast Register Module you can register all these items in one go, get a list and sign it.
It’s really that easy.
I was really impressed with how fast and easy it was to register multiple items using the fast register module. It saved us a lot of time and we were able to get all items registered in no time. I would definitely recommend this software to anyone who works with found items.
- J. Sattler Frankfurt Airport Lost and Found Manager
Don’t forget, Lost & Found software is here to help you optimise your processes. We’re always happy to help you find the best solution for your needs.