Reducing Phone Calls — Your Item Isn’t Lost, It’s Just Too Early in the Process

Lost and Found Software
Lost And Found Software
4 min readMay 15, 2024

Losing a personal item can be a highly stressful experience. The immediate reaction for many is to call someone for help, such as a lost and found office or the call center. However, this approach may not always be efficient, especially if the lost item has not yet been found or registered in the system. Repeatedly calling every few minutes does not expedite the process; instead, it can create additional stress, overwhelm the staff, and block them from other tasks.

The Advantage of Web Inquiries

The most effective way for customers to recover lost items is by making a web inquiry. This method not only provides peace of mind but also streamlines the entire process. Using Lost and Found Software, customers can update their inquiries 24/7. They can add more details if they remember additional information or cancel the inquiry if they find the item elsewhere. This flexibility reduces the need for follow-up phone calls and makes the process more efficient for both customers and staff.

Reduced phone calls by up to 64%, and follow-up calls by 93% on average.

Impact on Call Volume

Statistics show that implementing Lost and Found Software significantly reduces the volume of phone calls. Customers who use the software have reduced their lost and found related phone calls by up to 64%, and follow-up calls have decreased by an impressive 93% on average. These numbers highlight how web-based inquiries can make a substantial difference in managing lost and found operations.

Practical Steps to Reduce Phone Calls

Here are practical steps for organizations to reduce phone calls related to lost and found inquiries:

  1. Implement an Inquiry Form: Add a comprehensive inquiry form to the company website and remove the phone number from the lost and found page. This directs customers to the online form as their first point of contact. Ensure the inquiry form is easily accessible by linking it in multiple locations on the website. This makes it convenient for customers to find and use the form.
  2. Hotline Guidance: Instruct hotline operators to direct customers to the online form and send them the link through the built-in messaging function.
  3. Clear Guidelines: Specify what types of items the lost and found handles. For example, some airports do not manage items found in airline cabins.
  4. Encourage Updates: Inform customers that they can update their inquiry at any time to improve the chances of recovering their item quickly.
  5. Build Trust: Assure customers that the lost and found team will reach out as soon as their item is located. The smart matching autopilot in the software will match items in real-time, increasing efficiency.
  6. Regular Status Updates: Provide automated regular status updates via email or SMS to keep customers informed about the progress of their inquiry.
  7. Prominent Signage: In physical locations such as airports, train stations, and event venues, use clear signage to direct people to the online lost and found form. Include QR codes for easy access.
    Help is Just a Click Away with Our Free Lost & Found Template:
  8. Feedback Loop: Collect feedback from customers about their lost and found experience. Use this information to continuously improve the process and address any pain points that might lead to increased phone calls.

Connecting More Departments

Integrating more departments into the lost and found system can further enhance its efficiency. For instance, allowing cleaning crews to register found items can enable the organization to reach out to customers before they even realize their item is missing, especially if contact details are found with the item.

The Smart Matching Autopilot

Lost and Found Software’s Smart Matching Autopilot is a game-changer. This advanced feature identifies the owners of found items within seconds. The algorithm compares and evaluates multiple characteristics such as date, name, category, type, brand, location, color, and serial number from both the customer’s inquiry and the found item details. It then presents the results to authorized users with a percentage indicating the likelihood of a successful match. This automation significantly speeds up the matching process, ensuring a higher success rate in returning items to their rightful owners.

Implementing a web-based lost and found system like Lost and Found Software not only reduces the number of phone calls but also increases the efficiency of item recovery. By providing an easy-to-use, accessible platform for inquiries and updates, organizations can offer better service to their customers, alleviate stress, and streamline their operations. For organizations looking to improve their lost and found operations, our software is an invaluable tool.



Lost and Found Software
Lost And Found Software

Powerful Lost and Found made easy! The only Software and App with Image Recognition.