A phone with a news app on it
Photo by Obi - @pixel7propix on Unsplash

I Wrote An XML Parser With The Help Of ChatGPT

Andrew Zuo
Lost, But Coding
Published in
7 min readFeb 17, 2023


So remember that post where I was like:

So I haven’t mastered managing RSS feeds yet. I want to make my own RSS app to fix some of the problems I see with RSS. But in the meantime here are some tips for managing and organizing your feeds:

Well, it’s finally time to make an RSS reader.

This is actually an important project for me because I see it as uniting everything together. It will unite my blogging, it will unite my apps, and it will unite my news reading. It will act as the keystone between all of my projects.

And that is why I’m calling it Project Keystone.

Making An RSS Reader

So I looked at how I’d parse RSS in Flutter. First I looked at the options on pub.dev. And there are some like

