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RSS Isn’t Dead, In Fact It Has Never Been More Alive

Thoughts On Atom Feeds

Andrew Zuo
Published in
8 min readJun 30, 2023


I was thinking about writing this for a while. Because in making an RSS reader I’ve had to deal with Atom feeds a lot. And I’ve noticed quite a few… idiosyncrasies. And I always thought of sharing them but it never seemed like a good time. If I posted it it would basically be a comment on the Atom specification. Who wants to read that? Especially as the Atom specification is already so old.

But something happened recently. The Atom specification turned 20 years old. Well, according to Wikipedia it’s only 17 years old. But apparently if you measure it from when the idea was first proposed it’s 20 years. So it was in development for 3 years? It’s not that complicated of a specification. What were they doing?

Anyways in celebration of Atom’s 20 year anniversary there have been a lot of posts relating to it.

Most notably this one on Google Reader.

