Source: Smasongarrison (Wikipedia) (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Software Engineers are in Denial About ChatGPT

Andrew Zuo
Lost, But Coding
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2023


There’s a new report from Goldman Sachs out. And this one has really been making waves. Apparently AI is going to affect 300 million jobs.

Update: This report uses the word ‘replace’ but I do not believe that’s what the report from Goldman Sachs actually says because other sources reporting on the same report do not mention this.

That’s a lot of jobs. To put that in perspective there are 158 million workers in the United States. So that’s 2 United Stateses worth of jobs being affected.

Now the report doesn’t say people will be replaced by AI, only that they will be affected. The report says for most people they will see half of their workload automated.

And that’s the really interesting part of AI. It’s not going to ‘replace’ many people in the traditional sense. And perhaps the entire idea of people being replaced is not that accurate of a term.

Because you’re always going to need a manager to make sure the automation is working properly. When they added self-checkouts they still need a person to…

