Why The GPL Is A Cancer

Thoughts On The Red Hat Open Source Debacle


A while ago there was this story that broke about Red Hat.

Basically they decided to put their source code behind a paywall. Then the Linux community got mad and then Red Hat doubled down with a blog post that can be summarized as, “Fuck you, pay us!”

I’ve been looking for a way to write about this since I first heard the story. But I didn’t feel there was that much there. I mean, another company making major changes to their product. What else is new? And the fact that people are complaining so much shows that Red Hat may be worth paying for. I mean if no one complained then I’d be worried about Red Hat. So I don’t really see what the problem is. Although to be honest I don’t know why people care about Red Hat that much. Just use Debian/Ubuntu/a related distro. So much easier.

But the more I thought about it I realized there is something that I could write about. Because this isn’t a Red Hat problem. It’s bigger than that, this is a GPL problem.


