It’s not ‘goodbye’, it’s ‘see you soon’

Jenny Williams
Lost in Toronto
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2020

Seven weeks ago I arrived on my brother's doorstep with no warning to him, 8 months on from the last time we’d seen each other. I expected this trip to last forever, to be slow, to be so ready to head back to the true north. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve missed Toronto and the wonderful people I know there over these past few weeks.

But something about coming home this time makes saying goodbye again that little bit harder.

I know when I returned to Toronto after my first UK trip last April, I found settling back into life abroad difficult. This time I’m prepared for that, for the shock and the home-sickness. I’m straight back to work, I’ve got plans with amazing friends who I know will keep my head up and distract me (I’ve warned them to be ready to do just that). But there’s this nagging at the back of my mind. This time, it feels like I’m leaving more behind than before.

The people in my life are the best. Honestly, be jealous, my friends and family are amazing.

England’s been good to me these last two months. I’ve explored much of the country, from Warwickshire to London, Bristol to Lincoln, even enjoying a surprise weekend in Liverpool (one of my favourite places in the country). I’ve made so many good memories this trip, I definitely won’t forget them any time soon. My heart is full of happiness.

This time last year I was counting down the days until the big move (it’ll officially be one year on Thursday 6th Feb). Everything was so unknown and exciting. Would I survive the cold, make new friends, get a job. The answer to all of that is yes, yes I would. All of that and more. Toronto has been kind to me, the people even kinder.

Who knows what year 2 of my great Canadian adventure will hold. Travel, adventure and lots of fun for sure. Bring it on.

