What happened to my energy?

Michelle LeBlanc
LoTech & Wild
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2022

I started this publication section in my profile to motivate myself to re-listen to all of the interviews so far. This could be beneficial in a few ways, I thought: learning what went wrong, listening to what worked, and discerning what some possible goals could be.

But as I’m listening to the talk with Liz Gill I wonder What Happened to My Energy?

It’s interesting to me how some of these ‘conversation feels’ ebb and flow and personalities collide. It’s making me wonder as I emerge from what felt like doldrums a few convos back into this where the energy is so high and flowing.

Lately, in my every day, I’ve been in those doldrums again. Asking myself: where are the fun and interesting people my own age, Where are the non-alcoholic adventures, What is wrong with me, What do I have to look forward to? Am I just waiting to die?

Does that seem dramatic? I really don’t mean it to be. It’s just rolling around my head.

Back to the conversation — and, if I do say so myself, it’s worth a listen. Liz talks about these incredible hut to hut European running adventures where you can stop at a hut for an espresso. Honestly, those huts in Europe sound lush.

We talk books: Her fave is Let Your Mind Run, my recent fave is Bravey. We talk physiology, recovery, sleep, socks, stride, brain chemistry, and the impact the pandemic had on people getting outside. The past is in the past, but to me, this just reinforces the need to revisit things every now and then. This conversation was the much needed reminder that there are good times and good things and, just maybe, more adventure is out there.

As I write this I am also packing to get ready for another trip back to Alaska. Always such a great time. It’s funny though because I think I would want to live there only for the winter months. I’ve seen video footage of the arctic and it’s strange to me that even that melts and becomes marshy. Well, I just love the snow. That’s what I’m looking forward to. Work and Snow. (I’m going up for the Valdez Fat Bike Bash which is one of the events I work for my employer. It’s really beautiful — so if you get a chance, get up there!)

