Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2019

Affiliate marketing is a popular tactic to drive sales and generate significant online revenue. Extremely beneficial to both brands and affiliate partners, the new push towards less traditional marketing tactics has paid off.

In fact, the latest affiliate marketing trends are:

• 81% of brands and 84% of publishers leverage the power of affiliate marketing, a statistic that will continue to increase as affiliate marketing spending increases every year.

• There is a 10.1% increase in affiliate marketing spending in the United States each year, meaning that by 2020, that number will reach $6.8 billion.

• In 2018, content marketing costs were recorded to be 62% of traditional marketing schemes while simultaneously generating three times the leads of traditional methods. In fact, 16% of all orders made online can be attributed to the impact of affiliate marketing.

• In March of 2017, Amazon’s affiliate structure changed, offering rates of 1–10% of product revenue for creators, providing the opportunity for affiliates to dramatically increase their passive income based on the vertical they’re selling on.

• The affiliate marketing commission is the significant incentive to promote online products and services and nowadays can be one of the best ways how to spread the quality products or services using the word of mouth method.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. The affiliate searches for a product they enjoy, use it and since he or she is satisfied with it then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make. The sales are tracked via affiliate links from one website to another.

The LOTEO team recognizes these trends and the importance of the word of mouth promotion overgrowing around all of us.

Therefore, we are pleased to introduce our affiliate system to promote our platform consisting of rewarding commissions including token bonuses plus read the special announcement at the end of this article.

For each ticket purchased by a user who registered via an affiliate link, the affiliate partner will receive 4% of the ticket value in ETH once the ticket is used in the draw + bonus of 50 LOTEUs utility tokens. This is like a new user activation bonus and can be claimed only once.

Besides this, the newly registered user shall receive ONETIME REGISTRATION BONUS OF 100 LOTEUs FOR BUYING FIRST PRODUCT. Just note that every 100 LOTEUs (2 registered users) will double your chances of winning.

The affiliate partner has a right to be rewarded with each sale of a LOTEOMAXX wholesale package. However, the bonus from the wholesale package (10,20,50,100) can be only claimed one per user, per year. There is no limitation for 4% of each ticket value in ETH. The commission is paid once the ticket of the package is used in the draw.

For each LOTEOPASS purchased by a user who registered via an affiliate link, the affiliate partner will receive 4% of the ticket value in ETH once the ticket is used in the draw + bonus of 500 LOTEUs utility tokens.

For better understanding, see this:

For more info please also read this: https://playloteo.com/documents/loteo-wp-affiliate-en.pdf

Furthermore, if you are interested in more opportunities like BECOME INVESTOR WITHOUT INVESTMENTS, stay tuned for the next article about our brand-new AFFILIATE SPACE PROGRAM!

For more questions also do not hesitate to contact us as mentioned below or read the official whitepaper.

For up-to-date information, subscribe here: https://www.playloteo.com

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Loteo is digital automated lottery platform that uses blockchain and smart contracts to create a fully transparent lottery with bigger chances to win.