How to Protect Eyes from Computer & Mobile Screen

Vinitha Selvaraj
Lotus Eye Hospital And Institute
3 min readApr 18, 2018

Digital screens like a computer, mobile, tv give off few harmful light emission such as x-rays /UV rays. All level of emissions from those digital screens is below the level that causes eye damages. Mobile and Computer Screens will exposure a certain amount of blue lights to our eyes; this is also small when compared to the exposure from the sun. But this leads to retina damages, eye fatigue, discomfort and several eye problems. If you are using digital devices continuously, it will lead to eye strain and causes injuries to nerves in your eyes. There are few exercises and tips are there to maintain your eyes healthy and protect your eyes from computers and mobile screen.

1. Blink Often

Usually, a person can blink about 20 times for every minute, but when comparing to the people who are focusing on computer/ mobile screen will blink only ten times or less. Which will dry our eyes and causes eye strain etc.

2. Adjust your screen brightness & distance

The intensity of the screen should be adaptable to the environment that we are using. If your room is bright, you can increase your screen brightness and vice versa. Enable adopt screen brightness option in mobile for better usage. And always keep some distance between your screen and your display. Normally consider least arm’s length or 20 to 30 inches away from the screen. If you are sitting too close to your computer, it will cause eye damages. Also, locate your computer screen 4 or 5 inches below your eyesight level and even adjust your chairs concerning the screens.

3. Keep changing your focus

Place any object or pictures next to your screen, for every 10 to 20 minutes turn your eye focus from screen to that object or photographs. It will give a small exercise to your eyes to make your eyes healthy while using computers. IT peoples can follow this technique to avoid eye strains and other eye-related problems.

4. Have an eye checkup annually

Your eye visual capabilities in day to day life will be different. Check your eyes periodically in best eye hospital in Tirupur, so that the doctor can suggest respective lenses to treat your eyesight and reduce the effect computer. He will also recommend various methods of protecting your eyes while you use the computer.

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