Sitecore XC9 Update-1 BizFx SDK Build Issues

Praveen Manchana
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018
Commerce Business Tools

Sitecore XC9 Update-1 ships with a SDK for Commerce Business tools which can be used to customise and enhance the business tools experience. This can be downloaded from the below link.

As part of our CI/CD setup, we ran into issues building this solution using the instructions provided as part of the SDK.

When we run npm install below are the errors we ran into.

ENOENT speak-styling-0.9.0-r00078.tgz
ENOENT speak-ng-blc-0.8.0.tgz

These missing tar archives are supplied as part of the Sitecore Commerce Package (see below). Copy these two archives into the bizfx (same folder as package.json). After this when you run the npm install the above errors are fixed.

Sitecore Commerce package details
speak packages not found error

Once the missing tgz packages issue was resolved. we ran into speak modules could not be found. Speak modules are hosted in a private registry. We fixed this issue by creating a .npmrc file (in same folder as package.json) as per below.

Before you run ng build please ensure that you have angular installed. use npm install -g @angular/cli to install angular.

