Don’t Give A Fucking Inch

Forget “Civility” I Want War

Devon J Hall @LoudMouthBrownGirl
And Another Thing…
4 min readApr 9, 2024


White people burned people alive. Because “God said it’s the best way to protect the town…” LITERALLY, THESE WORDS WERE USED TO CONVINCE PEOPLE TO BURN WOMEN ALIVE.

Ahem. Excuse me, this topic enrages me.

They burned women alive.

In America.

Less than 100 years ago.

They burned Black women alive, I should have said, because as I’ve previously stated it was Black women who were predominantly burned at the stake. Because of course.

I am tired, at 41 and honestly, I shouldn’t be this tired. I am in the prime of my life, but many women my age are looking around and realizing that although the options seem endless, there’s also a war going on for our actual souls.

People who claim to work for God are doing everything they can to destroy everything that isn’t white, and that’s really fucking scary not because they have God on their side.

But because they believe they have God on their side, they are willing to do everything and anything to destroy the lives of all those around them because they are 100% confident they’ll get away with it.

And as Kyle Rittenhouse proved they often do.

White people have for too many centuries claimed that “God” is their leading power and that all they do is in the name of “God” and many of us more rational-thinking people have seriously wondered what kind of demented entity would want you to sacrifice your own child to prove your love.

That’s twisted and abusive, and many of us reject that notion of the holy spirit, and I believe we should reject the violent abusive toxic notions that the church offers up.

Don’t give a fucking inch when they tell you that “Dancing in the forest is weird,” bitch, my ancestors danced like no one was watching precisely because dancing in the woods could get them murdered.

Don’t get annoyed when they tell you that “Black people not wearing cotton is weird,” if I could afford to live without cotton I’d never touch the fabric again, precisely because of its racist use and the harm that the farming of this fabric caused to the Black community.

White people will have you believe it’s beautiful, hilarious, and “ironic” to have a wedding on the bones of plantations that once imprisoned women, men, and children, by the thousands over the centuries.

White people will have you believe that the crimes of their ancestors don’t have generational curses that the rest of us are forced to live with every single day, and when we call them out on their privileged society they offer us pennies and peonies instead of gold and roses.

We take it eagerly so many of us because we’re in survival mode and before we know it we’ve sold our souls and it’s far too late to turn back. Sorry Candace you still ain’t welcome to the cook-out.

No, I’m not giving an inch to white supremacists anymore. Zionists either. I am forty-one years old in less than 24 hours and I could no longer care what society says is proper and appropriate.

I do not think it is appropriate for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be running for the White House yet again when they are so obviously complicit in actual war crimes against the people of Palestine.

And if that means I have to work harder to get people to see mental health patients as functioning able-bodied people regardless of our different abilities, then that’s what I’ll have to do.

I am supposed to die on April 10th 2024, that’s what my abusers always promised me, but I promise you I ain’t going nowhere. They’ll have to take me kicking and screaming because I absolutely refuse to go out quietly.

Like my ancestors, I will sing to the highs, dance in the forest, laugh, cry, be weird, and de-mask myself because it is not my job to make the world more comfortable with me. It’s the world’s job to be more comfortable for me.

I am strong, powerful, and wise, and even though I can’t always spell I deserve to be where I want to go and I plan every step of the way to get exactly where I’m meant to be.

Happy Birthday to Me,

Sending all my love,

Devon J Hall, The Loud Mouth Brown Girl



Devon J Hall @LoudMouthBrownGirl
And Another Thing…

4 Time Self-Published and Published Author, Devon J Hall brings honest relatable content to you weekly