Gang Girl Realities: Part Four

Devon J Hall @LoudMouthBrownGirl
And Another Thing…
2 min readJan 2, 2022


The Truth isn’t stranger than fiction, it’s just Sadder

So for this one, I did something different and I wanted you to see my face, although I’ll still be writing, I made a video. You can view it here.

The thing about gangs is they don’t just go after kids, they make a concentrated effort to go after anyone and everyone that has something the gang or someone in the gang wants.

One of the things that I saw a lot was girls trying to look good so that they would be validated by the men that we were all so surrounded by. We were constantly trying to make sure that we had their approval because honestly, it was easier than hearing that we could do things differently with our outfits or hair.

The volume of lies that were told about us, the girls who got pregnant, who were demeaned for being pregnant by guys who really didn’t know how, or weren’t interested in being fathers.

Too many times girls lived with the responsibilities of raising children and being moms before they were ready, and because of that their mental health suffered.

We dealt with so much stress, we dealt with so much anxiety and now today I live with PTSD because of what we’ve been through.

I’m dealing with a stalker because I had the courage to speak out about what I saw, and what I’ve been through.

I literally had a “come to Jesus moment,” while sitting in a church, realizing that I had lost myself beneath all the “I care about you,” even though I barely knew these people.

Now that I am out I know I will never go back, but by the same token that doesn’t mean that I don’t have to be accountable for my behavior while I was trying to survive a world, I didn’t even know I had gotten into until it was too late.

If you watched the video and you’re still watching, thank you so much. Thank you for supporting me by reading my story, hearing my voice, and sharing your time with me.

Sending all my love,

Devon J Hall



Devon J Hall @LoudMouthBrownGirl
And Another Thing…

4 Time Self-Published and Published Author, Devon J Hall brings honest relatable content to you weekly