Emotions Are Energy In Motion!

Did you know that?

Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk


Emotions are Energy In Motion!
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Emotions are energy in motion.

This is one of the most important aspects to understand about people around you.

Emotions are actually vibrations, which is why they can become contagious if one person has a reaction to something that another does or says. If someone you know gets upset at something, and you’re around them for an extended period of time, it’s likely that their reaction will eventually activate your own subconscious and your specific unresolved issues will play out as a vibrational match to your companion’s emotion.

When we feel any type of emotion, it creates a temporary state within us, at least for a certain amount of time. The strength of the emotion will determine how long that state lasts. If it’s an extreme strong emotion, then that state can last for minutes, hours or days. If it’s a milder emotion, then the state might only last for seconds until we change to another state (i.e., feeling angry for 5 seconds is one thing, being upset about something someone said to you for 5 hours is another).

The emotional states are affected by how our energy is being used. When our energy is in motion, it’s flowing through us in certain ways depending on the type of emotion we are experiencing. If our emotions are habitually expressed in similar ways…



Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk

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