
Salt is a Superfood, Prove Me Wrong

Also, what the best sea salt is

Mind Talk
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2021


Photo by Jason Tuinstra on Unsplash

The cure for anything is salt water — sweat, tears, or the sea” — Swedish Proverb

Salt has an amazing track record throughout world history for being nutritious and valuable. The word “salary” comes from salt, as Roman soldiers were paid in salt when it was the main currency centuries ago and treasured highly for its uses. The word for salad derives from “herba salata” or “insalata” for short, which means “greens in salt”, and was considered one of the main healthy cornerstones of our diet at the time and still is.

So what the hell happened?

At some point in America around the 1990s, salt became villainized and we were told to drastically limit our consumption because it caused high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

But this could be the furthest from the truth. Salt is actually one of the most powerful superfoods on the planet but is vastly misunderstood. It’s not our fault, we have been misled for years.


“Without salt the feast is spoiled” — Polish Proverb

Ironically, the 1990s is when the American obesity crisis first started to make big headlines. People were getting heavier, and…

