Succession Planning — The Pros and Cons

Sounds good, but can you implement it properly?

Ilro Lee
Mind Talk


Photo by vaeenma on Canva

Succession planning is a process whereby an organization plans for the continuity of its leadership, management, and key personnel. There are many reasons why an organization might embark on succession planning. Still, the ultimate goal is always to ensure that the organization can continue to function effectively in the event of any unforeseen disruptions.

However, succession planning can also have adverse effects if not implemented properly. In particular, if there is insufficient trust between the organization and its employees, succession planning can be seen as the organization’s plan for replacing employees. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety among employees, which can, in turn, negatively affect their job performance.

The Pros

HR practitioners and academics have typically shed a positive light on succession planning. These are the common reasons for implementing effective succession planning in an organization.

1. Help ensure that the organization has a talent pipeline to fill future leadership roles

Succession planning is a process by which organizations identify and develop internal…

