The Pros and Cons of Student Housing

It’s not all bad!

Viola Geena
Mind Talk


Female student suffering from headache while studying in library
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

With the light at the end of the Covid tunnel in sight, many students will be opting to relocate for post-secondary education instead of taking online classes from their parents’ homes.

I am the poster child for student housing as I lived on-campus in the dorms for my four years of undergrad and then in an off-campus student apartment complex for three years of graduate studies.

I don’t regret my decision. If I went back in time nine years, I’d do the same thing again, but I also had moments where I felt that I overstayed my welcome.

Based on my seven-year university journey, here are the pros and cons of living in student-oriented places. If you are starting university this fall or have a friend or family member in this situation, these points will give you some perspective from someone who’s seen the good, bad, and ugly.

Bad news sells, as they always say, so let’s start with the cons and end on a positive note.

Con #1: The landlord/staff come to your place often.

This was something that got on my nerves the more years I lived in student housing. It actually blew my mind how infrequently the landlord comes to your apartment when you’re not in a student place.



Viola Geena
Mind Talk

Canadian writer who happens to be a violist in a symphony orchestra. All opinions are my own. Twitter: @violageena