What Are Your Money Values?

Are they aligned with your happiness…

Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk


Money plays a central role in everyone’s life. After all, you need it for a living and it’s assumed that the more you have of it, the better off you are. As a result, everyone chases it throughout their lives.

But, again, how much do you need? The answer, I believe is relative to what you need it for and hope to accomplish with it.

Very few people see money as a means to an end, the end being the values in your life. Of course, money is used to pay your bills and buy stuff. But, your choices in how you spend your money are totally up to you. Some keep a little tucked away for a rainy day and others, love that they can splurge on the next big-ticket item they desire.

How you manage your money is an individual choice you make and once that choice is made, that money is gone forever into that choice.

Money can help benefit you when you align your money decisions with your values.

What are your values in life?

Make a list and allocate a priority order. There is the present, the future and of course, past decisions you have made. Your money will go into all these areas to serve your decisions. You can’t control the past. But, the present and the future, you can shape it based on your…



Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk

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