Sofa Chic: The Introvert’s Guide To Stay-At-Home Style

Michele Connolly
Louder Minds
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2016

If you’re an introvert then you probably spend a fair amount of time at home. Reading. Watching your favourite shows. Writing or being artistic. Thinking. Learning. Pottering around. Decompressing. Pretending not to be home if (what horror is this!?) someone unexpectedly knocks. Generally hanging with, you know, yourself.

But just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to look homely.

Be A Homebody, Not A Homely Body

Over the years I’ve found what I wear at home has a surprising effect on what I do and how I feel. It can dramatically shift my mood and motivation. For instance:

  • If my clothes are baggy I tend to snack waaaaay more
  • If I wouldn’t wear it in public I feel kinda yucky wearing it in private
  • If my clothes are shapeless my posture is sloppier
  • If there’s no style to my outfit I find it harder to get motivated to work
  • If I’m well groomed and well dressed — even in a simple, at-home way — it brightens my mood and makes me feel happier.

You may relate to some of my observations. Or maybe you don’t, but you’ve noticed your own correlations between what you wear and how you feel.


While it might boost your mood and motivation to kick your at-home style up a notch, you don’t want to complicate your morning routine. We introverts do enough overthinking as it is!

So what’s the solution? How do you balance comfort and cuteness? How do you add a little style without giving yourself something more to overanalyse?

My Sofa-Chic ‘Uniform’

Well, here’s my approach:

  1. I’ve gotten rid of every item of clothing from my closet that is tatty, ill-fitting, uncomfortable, or in a colour, shape, or style that doesn’t suit me. Just let them go. Even if never-worn. Even if expensive. Gone. That has simplified my daily choices.
  2. I’ve made it a habit to wash my face, brush my teeth, tidy my hair, dress neatly, put on lip balm, and make the bed before I face the day. Even if the day involves seeing no one but moi.
  3. I’ve developed a routine of shifting going-out clothes into staying-home rotation once I’ve worn them what feels like ‘enough’ times.
  4. I’ve developed a kind of at-home uniform of black yoga or gym pants/tights and black fitted tank tops. I have several of each that all mix and match. If it’s cold I add ugg boots*, which I update every two years-ish so they stay snug and neat. I really feel the cold so I have sweaters and hoodies in ascending levels of warmth that I progress through as the seasons cool. (*Never worn outside my apartment. Not-at-home style matters too! Even to introverts.)

This makes dressing every morning a breeze, as everything is comfortable, everything matches, and everything has some structure so I feel ‘dressed’.

It’s relaxed enough for quality sofa time, yet chic enough for me to feel alert and motivated. Hence my name for this at-home dress style: sofa chic.

Dressing this way allows me to tap-tap-tap at my desk, sit cross-legged in my armchair for reading or research, potter around my apartment, curl up on the sofa to watch my stories, or answer the door when the pizza dude arrives — all while feeling comfortable and presentable.

Creating Your Own Sofa-Chic Style

So how do you create your own version of sofa chic? Here are some suggestions:

1. Consider what you do when you’re at home.

If you need to feel motivated to work then choose something with a little structure. If you like to cross your legs to read or write or to curl up on the sofa, then choose something with some give. If you feel the cold then choose something snug and cosy.

2. Pick clothes that mix and match so you don’t have to overthink your choices.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as an introvert, so consider whether a few key neutral colours can form the basis of your wardrobe — perhaps black, white, and navy; or cream, camel, and chocolate. This simplifies life and also looks great in your closet too.

3. Dress for you.

The idea is to feel happy and presentable. To avoid feeling slobby or sloppy, which can undermine your self-esteem. Maybe it’s jeans and t-shirts. Maybe it’s cute dresses and cardigans. Maybe it’s pants and button-down shirts. Decide what you like to wear. This is for you, not for anyone else.

4. Don’t tell yourself it’s fine to wear something tatty or ill-fitting just because you’re at home.

For introverts, home is one of the best places to be! So decide to donate or toss anything that doesn’t look and feel good. Have only quality stuff to choose from for your at-home wardrobe.

5. Realise it’s not a waste to look nice, even when no one else is there to see it.

You know how you feel. You see yourself in the mirror. So of course it’s worth wearing something nice and taking care with your appearance. You spend a lot of time with you — show yourself some respect!

As introverts we cherish quality time at home. It’s not simply time between things we want to do. It’s pleasurable time, when we enjoy our own company and engage in our interests and artistic pursuits and nerd pastimes.

Taking care of yourself and feeling happy is good for your heart and mind — not to mention good for all your relationships.

So wear what looks and feels comfortable and presentable to you. And feel great about having an attractive at-home style!

How About You?

How do you like to dress when you’re introverting? What’s your version of sofa chic?

Originally published at on May 30, 2016.



Michele Connolly
Louder Minds

Introvert. Overthinker. Sharer of Micro-Epiphanies. Minimalist. Embracer of Personal Weirdness. Author of ‘How to Be Thin in a World of Chocolate’.