Sudhay Upadhye
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2018


S U D H A Y , L O U D L Y . I N

Lets create a lot of influential content for your post / article, To convey a message, Garner buyers, and reach the right people at the right time, content makers and their marketers are turning to influencers. Influencers are topic experts, industry leaders, or brand advocates who possess strong credibility and/or an extended reach with your target audience.

There are many ways to involve influencers in your content creation efforts, but how can you get influencers to share your content, help expand your reach, and put your content in front of even more relevant eyes? WORD FOR THE WISE “ the golden rule of influencer marketing give, give, give “ and you can begin tapping your influencers for help sharing your content.

the following ways are some tips to get influencers to share your articles

  1. @tag them ON TWITTER / INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK etc on your post !!!

If your article is helpful, inspiring, pertinent to their audience and/or about them, by mentioning the influencer’s Twitter handle or on Instagram in your social posts you are likely to get their attention and potentially a Retweet or reposted. But before you start promoting your content at all kinds of influential people, do your research. If you are monitoring relevant influencers, know what they are interested in, and what is relevant for their audiences, you can create content you know they will want to share. (You can little better if you quote them or link to their post or article in yours.) Then, when you mention them they’re likely to share!

2. Curate a list perhaps

A good way to create content that’s likely to get seen or shared by them influential leaders is to curate a list with them included in it. Once you’ve created your curated list, post it or Tweet / share on timeline story each influencer you’ve included and let them know!. This is a good way to get influencers’ attention initially, but you should continue to build on that relationship over time.

3. Ask them to contribute to your blog

Getting an influencer to contribute a guest post on your blog is great for many reasons. Firstly, you get great content for your blog that your audience will love. Secondly, it lends credibility to your blog — if you can get a thought leader to post for you, you must be doing something right. Thirdly, the expert is likely to share that post with their networks. And lastly, you get a new post published without having to write it yourself!

