Louisville Releases Digital Inclusion Plan

In honor of National Digital Inclusion week, Louisville Metro is releasing our Digital Inclusion plan, which aims to eliminate the digital divide in Louisville.

Those without reliable access to a computer or internet, and the skills to use them, are at a significant disadvantage to their neighbors with them. This digital divide mirrors racial, socioeconomic, and geographic inequities in our community and nation as a whole. The impacts of digital inequities extend into the workplace, into our schools, and can significantly impact residents’ abilities to gain employment, achieve academically, or even access government services. And, as more and more of modern life moves online, the gap between the digital haves and have nots will continue to widen.

Whether applying for a job at a fast food restaurant, doing homework, or starting a business, all our residents need digital skills, tools, and connectivity. Our Digital Inclusion Plan sets up the framework for Louisville to encourage this equitable access to infrastructure, skills, and hardware needed for our modern global economy.

Strategic Focus Areas

Louisville’s Digital Inclusion Plan puts forward three key strategic focus areas to address the digital divide in Louisville:

  1. Improving Connectivity: Expand access to the Internet and broadband infrastructure for our entire community.
  2. Teaching Digital Skills: Train residents in digital skills to increase their employability and ability to participate in society.
  3. Providing Hardware and Technical Support: Work with partners to provide technology and technical support to residents in need.

Learn More at: digitalinclusion.louisvilleky.gov

This plan is the first step in many that Louisville Metro and the Office of Civic Innovation will take to reduce digital barriers in our community so all of our citizens have the digital tools and access they need to reach their highest potential. We will be updating our website (digitalinclusion.louisvilleky.gov) with information about our initiatives and their results. If you would like to get involved or learn, fill out the contact form on the website.



Ed Blayney
Improve and Innovate — Louisville Metro

@OPI2Lou #iteam project manager, #localgov, #smartcity, #mobility,#digitalinclusion, #civictech, wannabe policy wonk #Veteran #RollTide #TarHeel