This Publication is Archived

This Medium publication has been archived as of July 1, 2019.

The Improve and Innovate publication was created in March 2016 by the Office of Performance Improvement and Innovation (OPI2), part of Louisville Metro city government. Since that time we published 42 stories about our department’s impact on our residents, which you can still view here.

In July 2019 the joint OPI2 office was split into OPI and CIT. See below for details with new Twitter and blog links.

Office of Performance Improvement (OPI)

Twitter: @LouOPI

New Publication: Louisville OPI Blog

Office of Civic Innovation and Technology (CIT)

Merged with the former Department of Information Technology (DoIT).

Twitter: @LouisvilleCIT

New Publication: Louisville CIT Blog



Louisville Metro CIT
Improve and Innovate — Louisville Metro

Account for Louisville Metro Government's Office of Civic Innovation and Technology. Louisville, KY