Lorie Moore Sings “Famous”

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Lounge Show
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2015

Do you want to be famous?


Lorie Moore sings with all her heart, “I got to be famous…And I’ll do anything to get where you are. I’ll do anything to reach the stars. You don’t want what you have but I want it so bad….”

Lorie sung, “Famous”, many times. The lyrics expressed the way I felt when I was in elementary school and all the way up to high school. Lorie took the words and expressed them as yearning words in her singing.

Wanting to be famous can make you feel like you’ll do anything to reach the stars because you want to be famous so bad. Throughout school, I wanted to be a singer. I had a friend that had parents that knew people in the music business like Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Quincy Jones, Latoya and Michael Jackson. My friend had a talk with the entertainers. Someone told her how to help me get into a talent teen audition. She played my recording for the talent teen company, and they wanted to hear me live. I never went to the audition. My mother told me that I needed to finish school before I went any further, and I was only in middle school then. I was so young, and I never believed in myself enough to get involved in anything while I had to concentrate on school. My mother told me to always remember my friend. I haven’t seen her in years and do not know where she is. However, she was a good friend.

By the time I graduated from high school, the music business was looking kind of rough. Violence came into the picture. I was hearing all kind of things about what you had to do to make it to the top, and I am still hearing things. Later on through the years, my desire to be famous left me. I was seeing some of my favorite stars like Michael Jackson, Selena, Aaliyah, and Whitney Houston in trouble. When I saw them die, that took the cake. Still, I love to sing. Still, I enjoy Lorie Moore singing my past thoughts and feelings of wanting to be famous. Do you want to be famous?

