Sa’Rayah Sings Ain’t Nobody

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Lounge Show
Published in
1 min readJan 3, 2017

The Voice 2016 Knock Out

Photo Credit: YouTube/The Voice

How did I find out about Sa’Rayah? Well, I’m afraid that it wasn’t from the TV show The Voice. I found out about her from the Xen Lounge posters. That is usually how I find out about a lot of entertainers at Xen. When I saw Sa’Rayah’s face, I knew she had to have some great talent. I knew that she just wasn’t any old performer from nowhere like I see people popping up sometimes. Beforehand, I know it’s just going to be some rapper full of profanity or some woman looking half dressed that can’t sing. When I see talent like Sa’Rayah, I have something more to write about. Sa’Rayah has a voice and is a knock out singer. In singing, she sounds like she could be Chaka Khan’s soulful sister because she did a great job singing her song Ain’t Nobody!

