Xen Lounge — For Young and Old-Like Citizens

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Lounge Show
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2015

If you visit Xen Lounge regularly as if you belong there, then you are like a citizen of Xen Lounge. It is for the young and old.

Outside of Xen Lounge, you might find that there is nothing to do. Maybe you don’t have friends or a place to go to have fun. Maybe you are searching for a place to go to meet people and have fun. Duane Martin, is like a first young citizen and founder of Xen Lounge has made that place for you.

Tonight, maybe you want a decent meal. There are mothers and fathers that hardly see each other and tired from being over worked during the day. So when they want to have a night on the town, get together, go out, have fun, and eat, Xen Lounge might be the place for them. They can have a favorite restaurant and become citizens there.

Some people visit Xen Lounge to hear the wife of Duane Martin sing. Tisha Campbell Martin is like a first and young-like citizen beside her husband. I haven’t heard anyone say that they don’t enjoy Tisha at Xen Lounge. She is not only like a citizen but one of the reasons that people visit the lounge.

Some people visit Xen for a great live show and other artists like Berkley the Artist and Lorie Moore just to name a few. They sometimes sing lead and also sing back up for Tisha C. Martin. They have been a part of Xen Lounge for a long time and are like long time young-like citizens. They seem to be very dedicated.

So if you want a great place to hang out, become a citizen and hang out at Xen Lounge today.

