A Weekend of Trilogies

Shane Miosi
Comic Converse
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2020

For this week’s edition of The Film List, we’re keeping you glued to your chair for a full 72 hours. Get ready for a full weekend of Binge-Watching!

Focus Features/Shaun of the Dead

This weekend for the Film-List we want to give you enough movies to the point where you go, “Damn, did I watch movies all weekend and not do anything productive at all?” Hopefully, with this list the answer is a “yes.” That’s why I’m giving you three trilogies for the weekend. Now there might be a basic choice here and there will be one set of films that aren’t part of a trilogy, but it will be a perfect collection of films so just go with it. Let’s get it started!

New Line Cinema

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Edition)

I know The Lord of the Rings is probably the most obvious choice — outside of the Batman Trilogy — but not all have attempted the ultimate extended watch party of the whole trilogy. The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. Probably my favorite trilogy of all time. I’ve attempted this at least four times in my life and I think it’s about time for another run. This is basically my version of doing a marathon. This will literally take at least twelve hours if you nonstop play the films.

The best way, however, is to make sure you have all the essentials: a large ass cereal bowl, your favorite childhood cereal, a call into your local pizza place to deliver you a pizza exactly 6 hours into the watching of the films, and a large bowl of popcorn. It is safe to say that you may want to work out after this because after those essential items and sitting down for twelve hours is super unhealthy, but hey you have the entire quarantine to work off those calories.

If you dare attempt the ultimate extended watch party, make sure to share with us how it went. Document it because this is the Mount Everest of film trilogies. Many will try. Few will succeed. No one will care… except for us!

Focus Features

The Cornetto Trilogy (British as Hell)

Edgar Wright may be one of my favorite filmmakers of all time, so I’d be amiss if I didn’t mention his myriad of British comedy movies. This trilogy consist of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World’s End. Each one is a perfectly crafted satirical look at genre films: zombie, action, and sci-fi.

The films bring the creative team of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost for each installment. Everyone has an important role in allowing these films to keep a consistent feel through each film, even with their complete and utter disconnection in the story. At the heart of this trilogy is three friends making movies and it shows!

Many of my American friends are unaware of this collection of films, which in fact does suck, so I’ve yet to attempt this trilogy with another living soul. So be better than me. No, be better than my friends and watch this trilogy of Britmour. Yes, this is a term I’m coining to mean ‘British humour’ and yes, they do spell humor like that. So get your fish n’ chips. Get two friends. No more than two! And you three chaps enjoy this journey.

Paramount Pictures

The Mystery Box Trilogy (My Creation)

So this next trilogy is a collection I personally put together. The Mystery Box Trilogy consists of Super 8, Cloverfield, and 10 Cloverfield Lane. I know Abrams only directed the first film within this scrapbook trilogy, but he was a producer on the Cloverfield films and I look at these three films as they were in the same world.

Super 8 perfectly fits within the Cloverfield series by taking place within a small town in the ’70s and no one ever talked about it again. Then we get Cloverfield in the early 2000s in New York which sends a ripple effect throughout the world till we get to 10 Cloverfield Lane where things like aliens are an issue. If we are being honest the aliens from all three films look like they could be related. So hey, let’s say they are.

I’ll breakdown my theory of these connections between the films another time. I have to do a whole Jungian analysis of Westworld, which is another Abrams-produced project, so I’m going to be dead.

So let me know how these trilogy viewings go. If you complete all three of these collections you’re a damn legend! If you have any scrapbook trilogies you want to share I’d love to watch them. Let me know in the comments down below.

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