Alex Licea
Love Against the Machine
2 min readJul 29, 2024

By: Alexandria Licea, Anjelica Yeung, Antonia Bockamp, Emily Bracher, Florencia Guzmán, Jennifer Gutiérrez Yáñez, Johnny Tsang, Luis García Conde, Matt Kugel, Rein Fawaz, Tia Cosentino


Problem Statement

Art, art galleries, and museums face several issues that need to be addressed. Firstly, they are not inclusive and do not accurately represent the diverse nature of the communities they serve. Secondly, they are not accessible to all, with many people facing barriers such as physical disabilities, language barriers, or socioeconomic status. Thirdly, there are concerns about lost, damaged, hidden, and unfinished artwork, which raises questions about the proper care and preservation of these valuable cultural assets. Lastly, there is a need to explore innovative ways to recreate and present art in order to engage a wider audience and foster a deeper appreciation for the arts.

Museums around the world are intertwined with a long history of colonialism, looting, and elitism. This is why, with a hopeful view towards the future, we believe we can reframe what these spaces represent. Our vision for the future focuses on providing a space, with the help of AI, to experience, live, feel, and above all, reframe art, just as Schloss Leopoldskron has done.

In a world where wars loom, where art — in any of its forms — is under threat, we want to imagine a world where art and spaces are accessible, equitable, and fair for all people. Today, we use the word “imagine,” but we hope that in a few years, the line between imagination and reality will be more blurred. Until that happens, we will wait for you at the Rēve.




The future with machines, as presented by Hollywood, does not have to become a reality. AI, like any other human invention, offers a list of unimaginable uses, both good and bad. It is up to us to overcome our differences as humanity and give artificial intelligence an appropriate use. The first step, we believe, is to imagine a better, fairer, and more inclusive world. The future can be frightening, but with this project, we also want to leave a mark that hopes, dreams, and human imagination will not be replaced by technology. While we wait for the future to arrive, let’s imagine how we can build the world we want in the future today.



Alex Licea
Love Against the Machine

Alexandria (Alex) Licea is a fourth year student at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in Psychology and Plan II Honors.