10 Ways to Love…yourself!

The Most Important Person to Love

Dating and Relationships


Loving oneself is a hard journey. It is something I work on everyday. When it happens, you realize, you have a best friend right within yourself. By loving yourself, you can love more and more people everywhere you go. Here are 10 ways you can love yourself today!

  1. Feed your body with something NUTRITIOUS. Did you know blueberries help with short term memory and Celery keeps your bones strong? Did you know good fats keep your brain functioning?
  2. MOVE. It could be dancing in your living room, taking a walk down the street, gardening, doing yoga, working out, running, taking out the trash, swimming, playing tennis, ping pong, basketball…you get my point. It makes your body feel good and produces endorphins, which can help with depression and mood.
  3. Send a loving note. Text, call, facebook message, write a letter and tell someone why you appreciate them. It could be a lover, friend, relative, teacher, mentor, or someone you only met once. It will definitely feel great.
  4. Stop reading beauty Magazines and don’t watch too much TV. The media has a false portrayal of beauty. Celebrities and models are airbrushed, on low calorie diets, working out all day and touched up. It is unreal to try to look like that and the more you consume these images, the more it can affect how you look at yourself.
  5. Write. Share your thoughts and feelings in a journal or in a blog for the world to see. Get it out of your head. If you have a lot of negative thoughts, penning it down can keep it from penting up inside. If you have creativity and deep thoughts stirring in your soul, writing them down will help you channel that side of yourself and it may even brighten another person’s day.
  6. Reflect on all the good parts. A hard one to do, but so worth it. Think about all the GOOD things that happend today, yesterday, this week, this month, this year, last year, the past 5 years. Dwell on the Good Parts. Think about compliments you have received, goals you accomplished, smiles you received.
  7. Look in the Mirror. AHHH A Super hard one. Take a hard look and pick out what you love about your body. It could be your fabulous hair, gorgeous smile, eyes, booty, calves, you name it, but see it and LOVE it. Too often the mirror becomes an enemy. Let’s make it a friend today!
  8. Find. Look through your home and find cards you have received, letters, e-mails that say nice things about you. Find quotes that have inspired you. Find fun things you have saved throughout your life. Put them in a place that you can see them and let them be a reminder of how much you are loved.
  9. Let GO. Let go of regrets. Let go of thinking you made the wrong choices. Let go of always saying yes. Let go of thinking your not good enough. Let go of hurts. Let go of grudges.
  10. Dance with yourself, Sing for yourself, hug yourself to your favorite music and then say out loud, I love you, or maybe love ya like a friend or Ti Amo, or Je t’aime, or Tora dust midaram.

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Dating and Relationships

We are a couple that shares inspiration for everyday life. http://lifepoints.net @_lifepoints