Men are over 40, don’t flirt with other women, or you’ll regret it.

Lei Musk
Love And Marriage
Published in
7 min readAug 21, 2022

The story of a 40-year-old man having an affair

Photo by Ramin ka on Unsplash

It is said that a man 40 is a flower. Although a man after the age of 40 has entered middle age, it is the golden period of his life. With a career, more money, and more mature people.

For a middle-aged man with a successful career and a happy family, what he has to do at this time is to continue to maintain his self-motivation and to constantly improve the relationship between husband and wife. After all, when people are middle-aged, the relationship between husband and wife is much duller than before.

However, some men can’t stand the dull marriage, and they don’t realize that the ordinary life of marriage is the real meaning, and they spend all their thoughts on beautiful women outside.

As a result, he failed to keep his original intention for a while and committed a major taboo in marriage: infidelity, thus making a happy marriage come to an end.

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Robert is just over 40 years old this year. His wife is a gentle and virtuous woman who is filial to the elderly. They have a daughter who is in middle school and has always had an excellent academic performance.

After so many years of marriage, with Robert’s efforts, he has indeed made his wife and daughter live a good life. Not only did he buy two new cars, but he also owned a new villa, and his company was growing.

Before the age of 40, Robert was still very loyal to his wife, and he always had his principles in dealing with other women. Therefore, his wife had always trusted him and never interfered with his communication outside.

Photo by Ramin ka on Unsplash

Perhaps it was his wife who trusted him too much. Under the active pursuit of his lover Bella, Robert stepped into the wrong extramarital affair.

Bella is a newly recruited assistant from the company. She is young, beautiful, and energetic, and her voice is full of magic that makes men imagine. On the first day of reporting, Robert had a feeling of love at first sight.

This feeling is something that Robert has never had before, not even with his wife who has been with him for more than 10 years. Because he and his wife are childhood sweethearts, and they are all too familiar with each other, this kind of strange heartbeat has never happened before.

From the first day Bella entered the company, she began to show affection to Robert frequently. In less than a month, she successfully captured Robert’s heart and became his closest assistant and lover.

Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash

Three months later, Bella and Robert proposed to marry, but when Robert was with her, he never thought about breaking up his family at the expense. What’s more, Robert also understands that his lover’s willingness to go with him is nothing more than a fancy for his money.

Therefore, he told his lover that he would not divorce his wife. If she is willing to continue, then keep the status quo, if not, then break up.

Bella sees that the forced marriage will fail, so she has another plan, and threatens Robert to divorce and marry her because she is pregnant, but Robert wants to take her to the hospital to abort the child.

Seeing that her plan was about to fail again, Bella didn’t care about anything but achieving her goal. She took the laboratory test sheet from the hospital to Robert’s wife and told her the story of herself and Robert.

Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash

Robert’s wife looked at the test sheet and said to her, “Even if my husband and I are going to divorce, it’s not up to your test sheet to decide. Let’s go.”

Although Robert’s wife behaved indifferently, Bella felt that Robert and his wife might break up and divorce this time.

However, several days later, Robert still commutes to get off work as usual, and goes home on time every day after work, without seeing Bella for many days.

Bella was a little anxious. Robert seemed determined not to divorce, and his wife seemed to have forgiven him. If she didn’t fight for it herself, she would get nothing.

Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

So, she took the initiative to find Robert to settle the matter. She asked him to give her $100,000 as compensation. She left the company and never pestered him again. Unexpectedly, he agreed.

Bella was very disappointed when she got the money. She originally thought that she would marry a rich man and live a rich life, but she didn’t expect to get only $100,000.

Robert’s wife was not so generous, and she also gave Robert two choices, either to settle the lover’s affairs or to give up everything and get a divorce. Robert did not hesitate at all and immediately chose to break up with his lover and return to the family.

Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

After this incident passed, Robert still had lingering fears, but fortunately, his wife forgave him, otherwise, he would not have had a better life. The most important thing is that his daughter is very close to him. If his daughter knows this, it will definitely affect his relationship with his daughter.

For his betrayal this time, Robert regretted it very much. Although he finally used $100,000 to quell the turmoil, in the end, it was also the money he earned from his hard work, and he was very distressed.

The most irritating thing is that after breaking up with his lover, Brother Kang learned that his lover was a fake pregnancy, and even the pregnancy slip was forged by someone. After knowing this, Brother Kang slapped himself a few times in the office and really regretted it.

Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash

For his betrayal this time, Robert regretted it very much. Although he finally used $100,000 to quell the turmoil, in the end, it was also the money he earned from his hard work, and he was very distressed.

The most irritating thing is that after breaking up with his lover, Robert learned that Bella was a fake pregnant and that she paid someone to forge the pregnancy test. After knowing this, Robert slapped himself a few times in the office and really regretted it.

Sometimes it is not easy to stay in love with each other. Marriage is a sacred thing for everyone. We entered the hall of marriage hand in hand and made a sacred oath. We should always cherish and be loyal to each other.

There will inevitably be temptations in this world, but since we are married, we should keep our bottom line and not go further in the wrong direction. Once you take a step, it is likely to be an abyss waiting for you, and the ending is often miserable.

Some people may think that when he is discovered by his wife, he admits his mistake and says some kind words, and his wife will forgive him. But how can there be so much luck in the world?

Even if your wife forgives you for the sake of the child, your marriage will no longer be happy. Even if the husband and wife live together, they will no longer feel each other’s warmth and love. Because marriage cannot stand betrayal, betrayal will only make the distance between husband and wife farther and farther. Betrayal is a mistake that is the most devastating to a marriage.

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