Three jokes about my wife.

Lei Musk
Love And Marriage
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2022

My wife is very capable.

Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

1. My wife’s ability is too strong. When she wasn’t there, the house was not mopped, the dishes were washed, and the clothes were washed. As soon as she came back, the housework inside and outside was immediately tidy up properly. Specifically, if I don’t do anything, she scolds me until I’m done.

2. It’s raining heavily tonight and I didn’t bring an umbrella. At this time, a phone call came. When I saw that it was my wife, I thought that there was still a quarrel at noon, and now she began to care about me. I quickly pressed the answer, and my wife said, “Where are you?” I said softly, “I’m going home soon, is there anything else?”. The wife said: “Nothing else! Make a phone call and let the thunder strike you to death!”

3. One day my wife and I were walking in the park and saw a man and a woman sitting on a bench and kissing passionately. My wife asked, “Why don’t you do that?” I replied, “Honey, I’m not familiar with that woman!”

4. A friend asked me for help. I told him the answer and they broke up, do you know why?

My girlfriend and I have known each other for two years and she has been refusing to have sex with me.

I asked her, when exactly can we have sex?

She said, when I marry you.

I asked her again, when will you marry me?

She said: I will get married when I become pregnant.

