How to — Really — Get to Know the Person You’re Dating

Go beyond the surface layer and find out who you’re really with.

Megan Boley
Love and Other Things


Photo by A. L. on Unsplash

So you’re in a new relationship.

Everything is fresh and exciting. There’s copious flirting, compliments are bountiful, and you get the butterflies every day.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the bliss of a new relationship. It feels good, and we like to feel good.

But eventually, you move past the honeymoon phase and get into the day-to-day of having a real relationship and the responsibility it entails.

And sometimes, you get into that phase and you aren’t ready for it.

Don’t forget to keep getting to know the person even after you’ve established that you like each other and are physically compatible and are comfortable. Because you might end up like me one day and look around and realize you don’t really know the person you’re in a relationship with.

In my new relationship, I’m determined that things will be different, and I’ve set a few rules for myself. Maybe they can help you, too.

Keep asking questions

Asking questions is the key part to getting to know someone.

